As per the guidelines of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore, every accredited institution should establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a quality sustenance measure.

NAAC works in the area of performance evaluation, assessment and accreditation and quality up-gradation of institutions of higher education. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC is a part of the institution’s system and works towards realisation of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance. The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of institutions. Institutions need to channelize its efforts and measures towards promoting the holistic academic excellence.

IQAC – Vision

To ensure quality culture as the prime concern for the Higher Education Institutions through institutionalizing and internalizing all the initiatives taken with internal and external support

Chairperson : Head of the Institution

  • Jagmeet Madan – Principal & Chairperson

 Co-ordinator IQAC  :

  • Rekha Battalwar – Controller of Examination

 Teachers to represent all level :

  1. Manjiri Bhalerao – Vice Principal
  2. Vipra Banerjee – Head, Department of Mass Communication & Extension
  3. Armaiti Shukla – Head, Department of Textile and Apparel Design
  4. Archana Jain – Head, Department of Human Development
  5. Chetna Raje – Head, Department of Resource Management
  6. Madhuri Nigudkar – Head, Department of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics
  7. Sangeeta Chhowala – In-charge, Department of English
  8. Rajeshree Shinde – In-charge, Department of Science

 Management Representatives :

  1. Dr Ruby Ojha – Head, Dept. of Economics, SNDT  Women’s University, Mumbai

 Senior Administrative Officers :

  1. Sadhana Landge – Office Superintendent

Local Society, Students and Alumni  Representative :

  1. Rajpal Shripat Hande – Principal, SVKM’s Mithibai College of Arts,
  2. Pramod N. Pabrekar – Consultant, RUSA Dept. of Higher Education
  3. Sakshi Pal –  Student Representative, Dept. of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics
  4. Prisha Mahtani –  SVT Alumni, Dept. of Textiles and Apparel Designing

Employers/ Industrialists/Stakeholders :

  1. Priya Patil  – Employer, Textile Designer
  2. R.B. Smarta – Industrialists, Founder and Managing Director of Interlink Marketing  Consultancy Pvt.Ltd.
  3. Afreen Siddiqui – Stakeholder, State Head of United Nations Development Program

IQAC activities conducted under various IQAC initiatives in Academic Year 2019-2020 are listed below.

Serial Number Activity Name Person In-charge Department / Committee Date Participants
1 National Seminar on

‘Reinventing Learning Spaces’

Dr. Armaiti Shukla,
Dr. Rekha Battalwar
IQAC 2nd and 3rd March 2020 35
2 The benefits of Cloud Computing on Education Dr. Armaiti Shukla,
Dr. Rajeshree Shinde
IQAC 22nd April 2020 30
3 Soft Skills for non teaching staff Dr. Rekha Battalwar IQAC 14th May 2020,

15th May 2020

4 You, Me and Covid 19:Let’s tackle it together Dr. Armaiti Shukla,
Dr. Rajeshree Shinde
IQAC 26th May, 2020
– 4th  June
4.1 Corona Virus: A Microbiological Overview Dr. Rajeshree Shinde IQAC- Science 26th May 2020 505
4.2 Moving Ahead With A Psychosocial Safety Net  

Ms. Archana Jain,
Dr. Bhamini Mehta

IQAC-HD 27th May 2020 501
4.3 Early Childhood Education- Concerns and Challenges In the New Normal COVID Times Ms. Archana Jain,
Dr. Bhamini Mehta
IQAC-HD 27th May 2020 624
4.4 The Transformative Power of Books and Literature Ms. Sangeeta Chhowala,
Dr. Prakash Navgire
IQAC-English 28th May 2020 435
4.5 Be News Wise Ms. Vipra Banerjee IQAC-MCE 29th May 2020 612
4.6 From Chalk And Talk To a Virtual Classroom Ms. Vipra Banerjee IQAC-MCE 29th May 2020 342
4.7 Changing Dimensions of Space Management : Post Lockdown Scenario Ms. Chetana Raje IQAC-RM 30th May 2020 342
4.8 Retaining Customer Confidence Through Housekeeping Solutions In Hotels Ms. Chetana Raje IQAC-RM 30th May 2020 342
4.9 New Outlook of Tourism Industry Post COVID Ms. Chetana Raje IQAC-RM 30th May 2020 342
4.10 Safety First: Use Of Personal Protective Clothing In Fight Against Pandemic Dr. Armaiti Shukla IQAC-TAD 1st June 2020 628
4.11 Fashion Trends Post COVID- Panel Discussion Dr. Armaiti Shukla,
Dr. Baruah,
Dr. Anuradha Ramesh
IQAC-TAD 2nd June 2020 461
4.12 An Integrated Approach to Holistic Wellness During COVID Pandemic- Panel Discussion Dr. Madhuri Nigudkar IQAC-FND 3rd June 2020 458
4.13 Watch What You Eat to Fight COVID-19 Pandemic Dr. Anuradha Ramesh IQAC-FND 4th June 2020 675


Panel Discussion, Topic – Food Sanitization, Panelists– Dr. Anuradha Ramesh IQAC-FND 4th June 2020 675
5 One day online workshop ‘New Guidelines for CAS for College and University Teachers’ Ms. Anju Tulshyan IQAC 20th June 2020 25
6 Fast Track Google Educator Workshop Dr. Rekha Battalwar,
Dr. Armaiti Shukla,
Dr. Rajeshree Shinde
IQAC 18th July, 2020
to 29th  July
7 Mind and Body Connect: Harnessing and Nurturing the Potential Dr. Armaiti Shukla,
Dr. Madhuri Nigudkar,
Ms. Archna Jain,
Dr. Rajeshree Shinde,
Dr. Panchali Moitra,
Dr. Bhamini Mehta,
Dr. Nisha Bellare
IQAC-FND-HD 21st January 2021 342
8 Insights into The Dynamic Professions Under Home Science – Conversations with Alumni Ms. Vipra Banerjee,
Dr. Madhuri Nigudkar
IQAC 16th January 2021 500
9 UGC Care Journal : Need and Process Dr. Armaiti Shukla,
Dr. Rajeshree Shinde
IQAC in collaboration with IQAC of Faculty of Family and Community Sciences,
MSU, Baroda
3rd February 2021 32
10 Workshop on ‘Online Resources’ Dr. Sachin Vaidya IQAC, library 3rd February 2021 27
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