Grievance Redressal Committee

Dear Students,
Grievance Redressal Committee is formed for the welfare of the students. Your well-being is the prime consideration for the Institution. In case of any grievance do drop a mail on the below-mentioned email id. Kindly refrain from using your personal email id for any correspondence.
Email :


It organizes various activities round the year such as:

  • Earn while you learn scheme : it is a scheme for income generation . Where the students can earn some pocket money by taking up some small jobs.
  • Student Feedback Mechanism : The Suggestion Box is placed in the foyer where the students can put their comments/suggestions in writing .It is opened every month by the chairperson student welfare in presence of the Vice Principal.
  • Scholarship / Freeship-: Financial assistance is granted to students with low family income based on the documents submitted by the students.
  • In House Counselor: Personal guidance to students to solve their vocational & personal Issues.
  • In-house doctor: In order to take care of health related problems & emergencies.
  • Student’s Development Workshops: The Student’s Welfare committee organizes a series of student’s Development workshop during the academic year.
  • Parent teacher meetings: are organised once in every semester for all the departments. It is a platform for interaction of parents with the teacher to know about the progress of their child.
  • Career guidance & campus placement It is organised for the final year students in order to guide them about the future career prospects.

The Student Welfare Committee constitutes:

  • Chairperson : Ar.Uday Govalkar 
  • Co-Chairperson : Dr.Suman Mundkur
Sr. no. Names of Committee members Phone No E-mail ID
1. Dr. Jagmeet Madan, (Principal) Chairperson 9869239178
2. Mrs. Manjiri Bhalerao , (Vice principal) Co-chairperson 9702174607
3. Ar. Uday Govalkar, Chairperson, Student’s Welfare Committee 9921281973
4. Dr. Bhamini Mehta, Co Chairperson, Student’s Welfare Committee 9922558673
5. Ms. Anju Tulshyan,  Student’s Welfare Committee 9324754028
6. Ms Sadhana Landge, Office superintendent 9011308121
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