Webinar on Focus on Diabetes, Health & Beyond to be held on Nov 18

The Department of Self Financed Programs – Masters in Specialized Dietetics, Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science (Empowered Autonomous Status), SNDT Women’s University is organizing a student led webinar to celebrate National Diabetes Awareness Month- November 2021.

The seminar will include renowned speakers who are well versed and have a great amount of experience in the field of Diabetes. They will cover topics like,
1) Childhood Diabesity, Ways to Tame the Growing Menace.
2) Non Nutritive Sweeteners- Fact VS Fallacies.
3) Diabetes and Renal Diseases- Evidence Based Clinical Practice Guidelines.

Certificate for participation will be provided to all the attendees.

We all are eagerly waiting for your participation and are really excited to host everyone.

 Topic: Focus on Diabetes, Health and Beyond.
 Time: Nov 18, 2021 04:00- 06.00 PM India
Registration link : https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Yb86Ol2DSh2mAmuB9j0fMw

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