Seminar on “Role of the Teacher in promoting Mental Health of Adolescents”

Program Overview:

The Department of Human Development has been proactively working in the area of Mental Health since its inception.

The Family and Child Enrichment (FACE) Centre of the Department of Human Development was initiated to enhance the well-being of children, adolescents and families by providing guidance counselling and support to individuals and families.

Mental health of adolescents is a cause of growing concern in Higher Education Institutes. The students often go undetected due to lack of awareness and support services.  Teachers can play an very important role in promoting mental health of the students.



To create a conducive environment in Higher Education Institutes for personal and professional development of learners by promoting mental health.


The Objectives of the seminar was to:

  • Understand the factors leading to mental health problems amongst adolescents.
  • Sensitize the teachers to the impact of mental heaLth problems in the lives of the adolescents.
  • Develop skills of helping adolescent students deal with mental health problems
  • Learn to stay mentally healthy and cope with mental health issues


Brief report:

The seminar was attended by more than 100 professors and students of Human Development,  Psychology, Education and related Disciplines.

Session I

Factors leading to mental health problems and its impact on adolescents- signs and symptoms.

Ashita Kaul, School Counsellor, Kowhai Intermediate School, New Zealand.

Session II

Role of teachers in helping adolescents deal with  mental health problems.

Ms. Archana Jain, Head, Department of Human Development

Session III

Learning to stay mentally healthy and coping with mental  health issues

Dr. Avinash De Sousa, Consulting Psychiatrist

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Admission 2025-26