National level seminar on ‘Reinventing Learning Spaces’

Organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell ‘FACULTY ENRICHMENT PROGRAM’

Since the last decade, teaching methodologies, techniques as well as learning spaces have undergone innumerable changes. In keeping abreast with these changes, premier universities and Autonomous Colleges have also revamped their syllabus. Focus was given to learner centric study experiences with the use of creative and contemporary methodologies and conducive environments.

The seminar explored various learning spaces such as virtual classrooms, incubation centers, open learning sources, research projects etc.

The seminar acknowledged the challenges produced not only creating a conducive environment but also tried to create a platform where speakers provided their expertise and inputs which an educator could innovatively use to create a multi-dimensional learning experience for today’s learners.

The objective of this workshop was to:

  1. Develop skills to teach today’s global classrooms
  2. Help an educator know his or her strengths, interests and shortcomings in the journey to become better educators.
  3. Managing challenges in Inclusive teaching.
  4. Understanding concepts of virtual learning, e-content writing, incubation centres, open spaces in learning etc


Learning Outcomes of the workshop:

  1. Participants got an insight to various innovative teaching methodologies.
  2. Faculties could create more conducive teaching learning environment
Inauguration of The Seminar : L-R Dr. Yogesh Kulkarni (Key Note Speaker), Mr. Mr. Vikas Panditrao (Chief Guest), Dr. Jagmeet Madan (Principal, Chairperson IQAC Cell), Dr. Rekha Battalwar (COE & Cordinater IQAC Cell)

















Report of the Activities

Day 1- 2nd March 2020: Session I


A welcome note was delivered by Dr. Armaiti Shukla, Convener to all the dignitaries and the participants.

Dr. Armaiti Shukla, HOD, Department of Textile and Apparel designing

Dr. Rekha Battalwar, IQAC Co-ordinator and Controller of Examination discussed the Vision, Roles and Responsibilities of the IQAC cell.

Dr. Rekha Battalwar, IQAC Co-ordinator and Controller of Examination


Dr. Jagmeet Madan to extend the welcome to the Keynote Speaker, Chief Guest, and Delegates, she also introduced the institution to the delegates.

Dr. Jagmeet Madan, Principal and IQAC Chairperson


Dr. Armaiti introduced the theme of the conference to everyone present and invited Ms. Vipra Banerjee to introduce the speaker and chief guest, Mr. Vikas Panditrao.

Ms. Vipra Banerjee, HOD, Department of Mass Communication and Extension

Mr. Vikas Panditrao spoke about the role of knowledge sharing initiatives using social networking sites and messaging apps that can help in skilling and re-skilling professionals. He discussed the concept of sharing economy with examples like Uber, Ola.

Mr. Vikas Panditrao, Co-Founder, FIAKS

The keynote speaker Dr. Yogesh Patil, Director, Vigyan Ashram, Pabal, Pune was introduced by Dr. Rekha Battalwar. Dr. Yogeh patil is the Principal Investigator of Core support Program supported by Dept of Science and Technology, Govt of India. It aims at developing technologies for rural communities. He is the founding member of Vigyan Ashram Fablab, Pune.

Dr. Yogesh Kulkarni, Director, Vigyan Ashram

Dr. Yogesh Patil, spoke on Innovative methods of inculcating a spirit of research in college students. He emphasized on the use of ICT for educating nomadic tribe in the FABLAB. This project won UNESCO award in the ‘Non formal education’ category in 2008.

L-R Dr. Armaiti Shukla (Program Convenor), Dr. Eram Rao (Speaker) Dr. Yogesh Kulkarni (Key Note Speaker), Dr. Jagmeet Madan (Principal, Chairperson IQAC Cell), Mr. Mr. Vikas Panditrao (Chief Guest), Dr. Kaustubh Dhargalkar


Session 2

Ms. Vipra Banerjee, introduced Dr. Kaustubh Dhargalkar, Founder, Potentials and Possibilities, Mumbai, India

Dr. Kaustubh Dhargalkar, Founder, Potentials and Possibilities, Mumbai

Dr. Kaustubh Dhargalkar, is a Design thinker and Innovation & Strategy evangelist, He delivered a session on Enhancing the Innovation Quotient in Higher Education.

Second speaker called was Dr Eram S. Rao who is an Associate Professor and Head of Department of Food Technology at Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi.

Dr. Eram S Rao, Associate professor, Dept of  Food Technology, Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi

Dr. Eram Rao spoke on Innovative Pedagogy in Higher Education, goals of higher education and learning outcomes. She concluded the session with technology enhanced learning by showing a video clipping to the audience showcasing the use of Microsoft’s neural Text to speech converter (TTS) and holograms which was lauded by audience.

Third speaker of the Day was Dr. Jinan. K.B. an  Independent Designer,  Researcher, Educationist, Nilambur, Kerala, India.

Dr. Jinan. K.B. Independent Designer, Researcher, Educationist, Nilambur, Kerala

He spoke on Development of Design Pedagogy to Facilitate Innovative Teaching. His talk focused on the knowledge creation and teaching environment which includes ready made knowledge and experiential learning.


Session 3

Ms. Archana Jain Chaired the session and called Dr. Madhuri Nigudkar to felicitate the speakers Dr. Gauri Hardikar and Ms. Apoorva Panshikar.

Dr. Gauri Hardikar, Smt. Kapila Khandvala College of Education, Mumbai

Dr. Gauri Hardikar , Smt. Kapila Khandvala College of Education, Mumbai delivered a talk on Transformative Learning Spaces Through Life Skills Education. The resource person explained the concept of VUCA( Volatile, Uncertain, complex and Ambiguous) world in 21st century.


She was followed by Ms. Apoorva Panshikar, Department of Special Education, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai, India.  delivered a talk on Understanding Inclusive Education.

Ms. Apoorva Panshikar, Department of Special Education, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai

She explained multiple means of engagement, representation, action and expression by student collaborations, scaffolds, alternative accessible content, using assistive technology. Ms. Panshikar shared the importance of life skills as they are the abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.

The session for Day 1 ended with a thank you note by Dr. Armaiti Shukla.


Day 2- 3rd March 2020:

Session IV

It started with a Panel discussion with the Head of the Departments, Senior faculties and one student representative from Masters of Design and Dietetics each. Dr. Madhuri Nigudkar introduced the panel of speakers which comprised of all the senior faculties and Head of the Departments mentioned below:

L-R Ms. Mrinali Dwivedi (student representative M. Dietitics), Ms. Sangeeta Chowala (English Dept), Dr. Anuradha Ramesh (Co-ordinator Self Finance Courses), Dr. Armaiti Shukla (Textiles and Apparel Designing Dept), Dr. Rekha Battalwar (Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Dept), Ms. Chetna Raje (Resource Management Dept), Ms. Vipra Banerjee (Mass Communication and Extension), Ms. Rutuja Pawar (student representative M. Design).

Dr. Rekha Battalwar mentioned about group discussions, case studies, role play in communities, field visit, participation in conferences, seminar for networking, Internship as innovative methods of teaching in Food Science and Nutrition.

Ms. Archana Jain highlighted about the relationship building with elderly for one of the subjects’ gerontology in Human Development and Experiential learning by problem solving and customised teaching as the innovative methods of teaching in Human Development.

Ms. Vipra Banerjee discussed Mass communication in Media for which students create lot of visual content, form for media. Graphic videos, aids are taken to community for feedback.

Dr. Armaiti Shukla explained different aspects of Textiles and Designing with the innovative practices being used for traditional textiles and embroideries of India like action research and experiential learning is happening by application of the same in real life situations.

Ms. Chetna Raje discussed about sustainable practices being used for Interior Design and Resource Management. Students are motivated to use and upscale the dry waste and discarded products lying in the campus.

Dr. Anuradha Ramesh discussed about the four courses under self finance program and innovative methods of teaching being practised as Block teaching  modules, google classrooms, collaboration with various organizations, subjects and industry experts, Field work and practical training for students, observation book for recording of data.

Ms. Sangeeta Chowala briefed about communicative English and the power of diction in which students are divided in groups of 4-5 and one student reads the passage and the other one writes the question.

L-R: Ms. Sangeeta Chowala –(English Dept), Dr. Anuradha Ramesh (Co-ordinator, Self-Finance programs) and Dr. Armaiti Shukla ((Textiles and Apparel Designing Dept)

After the discussion students presented their feedback and suggestions which are mentioned below:

Ms. Rutuja Pawar (M. Design , Fashion design) suggested

  1. Department should have an internal library
  2. More time is required to stay back in the lab and complete the work

Ms. Mrinali Dwivedi (Masters in Dietetics) suggested

  1. Sports nutrition to be added in paediatric nutrition
  2. Organic waste from canteen hostel can be utilized as a manure for kitchen garden.


Session V


Dr. Bhamini Mehta introduced Dr. Anita Patil- Deshmukh, Executive Director & Principal Investigator, PUKAR, Mumbai, India.

Dr. Anita Patil- Deshmukh, Executive Director & Principal Investigator, PUKAR, Mumbai

Dr. Anita Patil- Deshmukh, delivered her talk on Right to Research. She emphasized on citizenship that give right to have community-based researches because they have lot of potential, resilience. She also discussed about research ethics and challenges of CBPAR.

Second speaker Dr. Gaurang Shetty, Chief Innovation Catalyst, RiiDL, Somaiya Vidyavihar, Mumbai, India spoke on Precursors to be kept in mind before starting a stratup.

Dr. Gaurang Shetty, Chief Innovation Catalyst, RiiDL, Somaiya Vidyavihar, Mumbai

He discussed about startups, incubation and innovations made by his students like musical stirs, smart chessboard, pollution tracker. Dr. Shetty listed various sources for funding as family, friends, incubators, grants, Angel investors.


Session VI

Dr. Hetal Mundra, Community Architect, Research Innovation Incubation Design Lab, Somaiya Vidya vihar, Mumbai, India, delivered a talk on Design Thinking- Empathy based Education. It’s principle is made of 5 steps i.e. empathise, define, ideate, prototype and test. Dr. Mundra also discussed the business models that can arise from e commerce disruptions like logistics.

Dr. Hetal Mundra, Community Architect, RiiDL, Somaiya Vidyavihar, Mumbai


Next Speaker Ms. Neha Koshy, Assistant professor, Wilson College, Mumbai discussed the traditional pedagogy and innovative teaching methodologies in our education system.

Ms. Neha Koshy, Assistant professor, Wilson College, Mumbai

Ms. Neha Koshy emphasized on student engagement which could be achieved by introducing a particular topic in an innovative way like word grid, newspaper headlines, myths and facts or with any humour. Ms. Koshy also highlighted the innovative assessment methods like crossword puzzle, quiz as educational needs are changing teachers need to update as well.

The last speaker of the session Ms. Trupti Lahiri, Professor, Extension Education and Mass Communication discussed about the field immersion in Extension education with live examples.

Ms. Trupti Lahiri, Professor, Extension Education and Mass Communication, SVT College of Home Science (Empowered Autonomous Status)


Dr. Madhuri Nigudkar invited Dr. Ashish Panat, Director Innovation, Incubation and Linkages, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai for the Valedictory Session.

Dr. Ashish Panat, Director Innovation, Incubation and Linkages,
SNDTWU, Mumbai

Dr. Ashish Panat, emphasised the creation of student- centric methodologies for education and the need to inculcate creativity in the learning  environment for flourishing of Innovations in the institution.

After the valedictory session Ms. Juhi Agarwal, Assistant Professor, M. Design (Fashion Design) presented a brief report of the two day seminar on Reinventing Learning spaces.

Ms. Juhi Agarwal, Assistant Professor, M. Design (Fashion Design)

Ms. Chetna Rane, HOD, Department of Interior Design and Resource Management presented Vote of Thanks. In the end, everyone pitched in for a group photograph.

The entire seminar was successful and showed a good participation from different colleges and universities.

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