At the time of admission, every student shall sign a declaration on her admission form stating, that she will abide by rules and regulations and accept the decision of the Principal in all matters as final. Admission can be considered to be granted only when the full fees for the term are paid, official receipt issued and the name of the applicant appears on the relevant rolls. Under special circumstances the payment in full or in part can be condoned or deferred by the Principal. Unless permitted by the Principal to do so, all applicants not paying their fees by the last date for payment, shall pay a fine. In case of withdrawal or failure to attend College, the refund, if any, of the fee already paid will be in accordance with the rules laid down by the College.
Students should collect their deposits within 3 years of graduation. The amount of deposit not collected after 3 years would be transferred to the Student Welfare fund of the College.

Students are expected to acquaint themselves with the system of checking their own marks and to see the warning on the notice board about poor attendance and/or poor performance in the test as no individual intimation may be sent. Students falling short of attendance will not be allowed to appear for the final examination. A list of such students will be put up on the College notice board atleast ten days before the commencement of the respective examination.
Students are expected to keep a record of their internal marks and sign the internal assessment mark sheets at the end of the semester. Failure to comply with academic requirements of the College will adversely affect the student’s academic record. If after sufficient warning, a student continues not to conform to the requirements of the institution, the College can refuse admission to a student for the following term or academic year.
Students applying for certificates, testimonials, etc. and those requiring the Principal’s signature in any kind of document or application should contact the Office Superintendent. No paper should be taken by students directly to the Principal or Vice-Principal for signature. Students wishing to discuss matters with the Principal or represent their cases in writing to the Principal should do so within the next 2 days. All requests, should be routed through batch mentors & HOD.
Although illness or other serious circumstances may be considered valid reason for absence from lectures, tutorials, examinations etc. Failure to write the required number of assignments, unjustified absence from tests, tutorials, practical, examinations etc, seriously prejudice a student’s academic record. If after a warning, a student persistently continues not to conform to the requirements the College can refuse admission to a student for the following term or academic year.
Any mental or physical torture to any students by any other students, in the name of “ragging” should be avoided. If found guilty, legal action will be taken as per the Supreme Court order which may include removal / rustication of that student from University within 72 hours of the incident. Students must understand that there will be NO leniency for acts of ragging.
- Any violation of anti-ragging rules by the students will be dealt with very severely as per guidelines issued from time to time by the competent authorities.
- Students should report incidents of ragging immediately. Those who do not do so even when being witness or victims, will be considered to be part of this practice, and will also be punished accordingly.
- When the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not identified, collective punishment on suspected group could be resorted to.
- The College has an Anti Ragging committee and an Anti Ragging squad in place for the same.
Students are required to carry with them their identity cards . Identity cards without photograph and the Principal’s signature will not be considered valid. All students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of citizens in the College community. Such a conduct is based on respect for the dignity of rights of individuals, respect for public and personal property and personal and academic honesty. All students are answerable to the Principal and Vice-Principal for their conduct in the College. If their behavior outside the College, adversely affects the good of the College, appropriate action may be taken within the principles of justice and equality.
Ragging, of whatever kind, is strictly forbidden and will result in a dismissal of the concerned student, even if the act is committed outside the College campus.
Dress Code : Students should be appropriately dressed for College. Low waist jeans and high rise T-shirts, revealing clothes, spaghetti tops are not allowed. Use of mobile phones in the College premises is not permitted.
Insubordination and unbecoming language or conduct in any form are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a students. Refreshments are to be consumed only in the immediate canteen area. Students found littering will be penalized. A student who is found to have damaged anything in the classroom or College premises will have to reimburse the cost of damage.
A student who is found to have done damage of whatever description in the class-room (e.g., making incisions in the benches, etc.) or about the premises of the College has to pay for the damage done.