Mental health and wellbeing of students during lockdown

Institutional Resources and Activities for COVID 19-Mental health and wellbeing of students during lockdown

The teaching profession contributes more to the society than any other profession and it is the profession that creates other professions. By John wooden

Mental health is a growing concern especially amongst the adolescents. According to WHO report upto 50% of mental, behavioral and psychological problems have their onset during adolescence. Suicide is the 3rd largest cause of death in 15 to 35 year olds.

Many studies report that India has one of the highest rates of suicide among people aged between 15 and 29. The reasons varying from anxiety to severe depression leading to dire consequences.

A growing problem not only in India but all over the globe is that students are more stressed than ever.

This makes it all the more important for the college to plan activities to promote the mental health of our college students.

The Family And Child Enrichment (FACE) Center  initiated by the Department of Human Development in 2015 uses a preventive and facilitative approach for enhancing emotional wellbeing.

The college thus uses a proactive approach, that is, the mentors actively take steps to reach out to each and every student. Some of the activities carried out to promote Mental health were-

  • Life skills workshop on “Self -esteem and body image” on 18th January 2020 for students in the college
  • Seminar on “Role of the Teacher in promoting Mental Health of Adolescents”
    Date: 20th January, 2020 for all the teaching faculty
  • Maintaining Wellbeing During Adolescence on 6th 2020 for students of the college
  • Meeting the students through various virtual platforms to keep them engaged and provide support for academic and emotional concerns

Measures taken by college to help student cope with Covid 19 crisis

Effective engagement for mental and emotional wellbeing through

  • Online mentoring by mentors and teachers
  • Online counselling (college counsellor)
  • Meditation
  • Online and offline games (on class whatsapp groups)
  • Sharing of resources to help maintain wellbeing

Activities for maintaining physical health

  • How to Enhance Immune Boosting Nutrients in Your Diets – a set of 5 Videos by Dr Jagmeet Madan
  • Nutrition and Immunity – A set of Slides in HINDI by Dr Jagmeet Madan and IDA Mumbai Chapter.
  • Webinar recording Link of Dr Jagmeet Madan on “Significance of Immune Boosting Nutrients in Health and Disease”
  • Armaiti Shukla from Department of Textiles and Apparel Designing prepared a note on ‘5 quick tips to sanitize your garments during the COVID19 pandemic’. It was circulated on  WhatsApp groups on April 3, 2020
  • Archana Jain from Department of Human Development organized a Zumba session for students on Zoom on 7th April and 10th April 2020

Academic support and guidance

  • Online classes
  • Acceptance of assignments through online learning platforms (e.g., google classrooms)
  • Resolution of subject queries via whatsapp or email.

Professional growth

  • Sharing of websites offering free online courses with students and providing guidance to join relevant  online courses
  • Session on soft skill development if any

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