Impressions 2020 released

Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science (Empowered Autonomous Status) SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai holds immense pleasure in releasing the long awaited college magazine – Impressions 2020.

As a medium to capture memories and a token of appreciation to all the students of our college who are here to create wonders, our magazine is all set to fill up your hearts with emotions and make your minds be in awe by all the exceptional contributions.

The editorial team with Concesia Rodrigues, Komal Jain and Kunali Maisheri as mentors and Hana Khan, Saee Phadnis, Siddhi Jain, Aditi Chaudhary and Vidhi Shah as their associate editors worked their best in recognizing the writing skills of students and their achievements, and putting them together to create a volume of remembrance and appreciation.

We hope that our magazine enhances your interest in knowing what are our college members’ abilities and talent.

Have a great read and share your feedback with us on this link!

Download your copy of Impressions 2020 here:

Impressions 2020 – Part 1

Impressions 2020 – Part 2

Impressions 2020 – Part 3


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