Congratulations to students who have cleared RD Exams

Congratulations to the Registered Dietitians

Congratulations to the successful students!!

Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home science (Empowered Autonomous Status), SNDT Women’s University is proud to announce that the students of M.Sc. Specialized Dietetics of Batch (2017-2019) have successfully cleared the RD (Registered Dietitian) Final exam conducted by the RD Board of Indian Dietetic Association.

They are now qualified as registered Dietitians.

RD Exam- Names of students who cleared the exam-2021

S. no Name of the student   Mentor Name Hospital





Ms. Vaibhavi Gala



Ms. Jayshree Paranjpe



B.Y.L.Nair Hospital






Ms. Rupal Shah



Ms. Jayshree Paranjpe



B.Y.L.Nair Hospital








Ms. Pooja Chheda



Ms. Safala Mahadik



King Edward Memorial Hospital








Ms. Purvi Lodaya




Ms. Safala Mahadik



King Edward Memorial Hospital








Ms. Kirti Munot



Ms. Safala Mahadik



King Edward Memorial Hospital,






Ms. Nagma Naik



Ms. Rajeswari Shetty



Fortis S.L.Raheja Hospital


Congratulations to all the students who have passed the RD Exam 2021 during these challenging times. Also congratulating all their Mentors, Trainers and RD Board

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