Alumni Speak: Niriksha Burman

My journey in Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science started during the very rainy season of July 2017 as a fresher enrolled for the course of Hospitality and Tourism Management with the first lecture of PFCS – Personal Finance and Consumer Studies and graduated in the year 2020 giving my final year exam at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Every day, that I visited this place as my new home, new study arena and a whole new life. I learnt, learnt and learnt a number of things that cannot be counted on fingers. As this was my college life, it was very obvious for me to get into the cultural committee of the institution, so one fine day I started investigating on how I could become a member of the committee and then I came across the Gymkhana Chairperson of that tenure, Ms Hemani Malhotra, my idol from the institute. She was the inspiration for me to dress up to college and bring out the best that was within me.

Being a student of Hospitality and Tourism Management, along with the personality development process I indirectly went through while being a part of the gymkhana committee gave me the mix of having the best of my life. Whatever I am today, SVT has played a big role in making me come to this position.

With all the love and scolding I used to get from Chetna Madam and Hemani Madam along with faith and belief the department of Resource Management and the Gymkhana Committee had in me, of finding me worthy of taking the positions of being a volunteer, to being the Student Council President, I am in one word, privileged to be a part of this Institute.

Current I am pursuing my Masters in Emotional Intelligence and Human Relations and I have also become the apple of the eye of the current institute I’m studying at, MasterMyLife EQ Education Pvt. Ltd., industry collaborators to Garware Institute of Career Education and Development, the University of Mumbai, where I am also currently the Student Council President. I could only make this place because I was fortunate enough to have Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science (Empowered Autonomous Status) as my Alma Mater.

Thank you so much once again, SVT for bringing out the best in me. Also a very big and special thanks to our Principal Dr Jagmeet Madan who believes her girls are the best in whatever they do and where ever they are! Looking forward to doing more for my Alma Mater!

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