Certificate Programs In Integration of Nutrition and Ayurveda for Health and Diseases

Overview of the Program

Foundation and Advanced Certificate program in ‘Integration of Nutrition and Ayurveda for Health and Diseases

Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science (Empowered Autonomous Status)’, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai in academic collaboration with One Health- Nutriwel Health (India) Pvt Ltd, New Delhi is pleased to announce the launch of a contemporary, one -o-f its- kind evidence backed program in ‘Integration of Nutrition and Ayurveda for Health and Diseases’.

The Foundation and Advanced programs are self-paced online certificate courses aimed to enable the students to develop professional competencies in areas related to integration of ayurvedic principles with the nutrition science for holistic wellbeing and effective management of various diseases and medical conditions.

This twelve module- three months online certificate course provides an intensive, advanced learning in the field of Ayurveda and Nutrition. The course is designed by academicians, specialised nutritionists and ayurvedic physicians from across the country. This course uses innovative methodologies which is the right blend of scientific information, research-based recommendations and practical training through virtual presentations, monthly webinars and assessments.

Why should you opt for this course?

Today, more and more people are choosing traditional and holistic systems of medicine over conventional medicine. This makes it even more important for health care professionals to have an understanding of traditional branches of medicine like Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, etc. Moreover, integrative healthcare looks at the individual as a whole and tries to address not only the disease symptoms, but also the root cause of an ailment. This approach takes into account the care seekers’ physical, mental, social and spiritual health, thus encouraging population to adopt holistic sustainable lifestyle modifications for overall wellbeing. This holistic wellness can be achieved through a focus on healing through whole foods, herbs, mindfulness, aligning the body to the nature’s circadian rhythm, and relieving stress and anxieties.

If you are someone who is looking to learn more about individualised, sustainable and holistic diet therapy, this course on Integration of Nutrition and Ayurveda for Health and Diseases is surely for you!

Eligibility criteria:

  • BSc in Applied sciences/Life sciences/Nutraceuticals/Home Science/Nutrition and Dietetics
  • MSc Nutrition and Dietetics/Clinical Nutrition/Specialised Dietetics or equivalent.
  • Post graduate diploma in Nutrition/Dietetics or equivalent.
  • Any other with prior approval from the academic committee

Please Note: Since the Advanced Programs builds upon the initial learnings from the Foundation Program, a successful completion of Foundation Program is pre requisite to enrol for the Advanced Program

Course Fees: Foundation Program- 5000 INR; Advanced Program- 10000 INR

Special discounted rates for SVT present students.

  1. Online Certificate Course from the prestigious Autonomous College of SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai
  2. Collaboration with specialized nutritionists, academicians and eminent ayurvedic physicians as expert faculty.
  3. Free access to Nutrition Practice Software- 8well for SVT students.
  4. Virtual learning modules with assignments, practical sessions, and webinars on recent updates as part of the course work
  5. Twelve module comprehensive modular program with self-paced learning.
  1. To learn about the components of ayurvedic physiology and dietetics
  2. To gain an in-depth understanding of the three dosha and their effect on our body during health and disease.
  3. To get acquainted with the seven dhatus in the human body.
  4. To gain insight into the different channels (srotas) in the human body.
  5. To evaluate prakriti of an individual
  6. To understand foods that are suitable and detrimental for individuals with specific prakriti types.
  7. To learn the Ayurvedic pathophysiology of lifestyle related disorders such as diabetes mellitus, heart problems and obesity.
  8. To gain an in-depth knowledge in the principles of ayurvedic nutritional management
  9. To apply these principles learnt in the total patient care process.
  10. To gain an understanding of methods to ensure complete health by focusing on physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing.
  • Module 1: Integrated and Holistic Health and Nutrition: Course Overview- This module discusses the need for integrative nutrition and the benefits of holistic healthcare practices.
  • Module 2: Human Anatomy and Physiology: Modern and Ayurvedic Concept- This module talks about the basic differences and similarities in the modern and ayurvedic view of the composition of the human body.
  • Module 3: Overview of Tridosha: – This module covers briefly the important concept of the three doshas that are the basis of the metabolic processes in an individual’s body.
  • Module 4: How to do Phenotype (Prakriti) Analysis (Practical Training)- This is a hands-on module that helps you learn to assess an individual’s prakriti based on a detailed assessment.
  • Module 5: Properties of Vata Prakriti- This module discusses in detail about the properties of an individual with a vata dominant prakriti and details of suitable and unsuitable foods, diseases that such individuals are prone to, etc.
  • Module 6: Properties of Pitta Prakriti- This module explores the characteristic features of an individual with a pitta dominant prakriti and suitable diet and lifestyle for the same.
  • Module 7: Properties of Kapha Prakriti- This module discusses about a kapha dominant prakriti, with focus on physical characteristics, mood, likes and dislikes, most likely diseases and nutrition management of the same.
  • Module 8: Ayurvedic concept of Metabolism- This module talks about the different types of metabolisms (agni/fire) in the human body according to ayurveda, including digestive fire, cellular fire, etc.
  • Module 9: Nutrition as per Phenotype (Prakriti)- This module explains in detail about the nutrition management of individuals with different body types.
  • Module 10: Food As medicine- This module is about using whole foods to manage various diseases including diabetes, obesity, etc.
  • Module 11: Fundamentals of Nutrition Management Practice Sessions on 8Well Nutrition Software- This module will help you to apply the knowledge of ayurveda and nutrition for total patient care process.
  • End of Program Assessments
  • Ayurveda nutrition consultant
  • Holistic wellness consultant
  • Ayurceutical industry professional
  • Prakriti consultant
  • Family holistic nutrition consultant
  • Ayurnutraceutical and nutrition product development expert
  • Ayurvedic nutrition researcher
  • Duration of Foundation and Advanced Programs is 12 hours each over a period of 12 weeks.
  • . These programs are 12 weeks self-paced. Students will be allowed three months to complete the course from the date of joining the course.


  • Meet
    Dr. Jagmeet Madan
    Principal and Professor
  • Meet
    Dr. Shikha Sharma
    Course Director
  • Meet
    Dr. Panchali Moitra
    Academic Dean and Deputy Controller of Examinations (Postgraduate Programs)
  • Meet
    Ms. Bhawana Srivastava
    General Manager
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Admission 2025-26