The Department of Science was established in 1963. The Science Department offers courses which help our students to achieve their goals by providing strong base for the various specialization courses. The teaching methods encourage innovative ideas, develop creative skills and build holistic knowledge in the subjects offered by the Department.
It persuades them to demonstrate a friendly attitude toward both the local and the global environment. It also equips the students with knowledge and insight to meet the challenges of development and conservation. The experiential learning develops scientific attitude among students. It gives them opportunity to know the safety rules and procedures and practice them in real life situations.
Courses offered by the Department :
Environmental Studies (Credits: 4 : Theory)
- Compulsory and Interdisciplinary
- Ability and Skill Enhancement Course (ASEC)
- Offered in Semester I
Science for Life (Credits: 4 : Theory)
- Generic Electives (GE)
- Offered in Semester II
Student Activities: