Research Publications

Number of research papers published in various Journals/ Chapters in Books – AY 2013-2023

Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal
Body Fat Percentage and its Correlation with  Dietary Pattern, Physical activity  and Lifestyle Factors in school going of Mumbai, lndia children Dr. Jagmeet Madan, Ms. Neha Gosavi, Ms. Paarmi Vora, Ms. Princee Kalra Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Research
Hypolipidemic Dietary Components Dr. Jagmeet Madan. Ms. Ankita Narsaria Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science
Colostrum –Its Composition, Benefits As A Nutraceutical: A Review Dr. Meena Godhia, Ms. Neesah Patel Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Current  Research in Nutrition And Food Science
Estimation of Resistant Starch Content of Selected Routinely Consumed Indian Preparations Ms. Madhuri Nigudkar Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Current Research In Nutrition And Food Science
Revival of Textiles of selected tribes residing in North-eastern state of India- Assam Ms. Neera Barooah Textiles & Apparel Designing Journal of Asian Regional Association of Home Economics
Socio-economic conditions of collectors of post consumer clothing waste in Mumbai, India Ms. Suman Mundkur Textiles & Apparel Designing International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Green Fashion -Not only the survival of society but the business too Mrs. Anju Tulshyan Textiles & Apparel Designing Textile Value Chain
Ecological Modernization: Foot prints of special economic zone in ecological restoration Dr. Amar Dhere, Mr Dhanraj Patil, Mr Ganesh Pondhe Science Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Transnational Identities and Trauma of Cultural Dislocation in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake Mr. Prakash Navgire English Journal of Higher Education and Research Society


Resistant Starch- A Nutritional Treasure of Indian Diet Dr. Jagmeet Madan, Ms. M. Nigudkar Food  Nutrition and Dietetics Centre for Research on Nutrition Support System
Altered lipid responses to dietary interventions in obesity Dr. Meena Godhia, N. Naik Food  Nutrition and Dietetics Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science
Maternal overweight or obesity and associated risk Dr. Meena Godhia, D. Sawant Food  Nutrition and Dietetics Journal of Nutritional Biology
Pattern of Food Consumption and Nutrition Knowledge Assessment of 12-15 Year Old Adolescents from Mumbai City Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Huda Sheikh Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Healthcare Sciences
High prevalence of Malnutrition in children under five years from Rural Thane District, Maharashtra Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Voice of Research:  An international Refereed journal for change and development
A study on compliance of diet in type II diabetes patients Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Bhagyashree Solanki Food,  Nutrition and Dietetics IDEAS – a compilation, BMN College Journal
Milk and milk products ; Beneficial effect on Cardiovascular disease Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Vaidehi Shah Food  Nutrition and Dietetics IDEAS – a compilation, BMN College Journal
A study on the health status  of the institutionalized and non institutionalized elderly in Mumbai city Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Tosha, Ms. Sainor Momin Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Current Research
Incidence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Type II Diabetic patients Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Dhrishti Bijlani Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Information Research & Review
Knowledge, Attitude and Frequency of Reading Food Labels of Males and Females in Mumbai City Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Rabab Gupta Food  Nutrition and Dietetics Sai Om Journal of Science, Engineering & Technology
Incorporation of Chia Seeds in Fruit Punch, Kheer, Smoothie and its Sensory evaluation Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Vaidehi Shah Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences
Pattern of Food Consumption and Nutrition Knowledge Assessment of 12-15 Year Old Adolescents from Mumbai City Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Huda Sheikh Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Healthcare Sciences
Physical activity & Nutritional status of adolescents from 2 socio economic strata from Mumbai city Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Huda Sheikh Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research  and Information
Dietary habits of school children: A review Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Nupoor Joshi Food  Nutrition and Dietetics Research Imprints: refereed multidisciplinary Journal
Health and medical status of pregnant women from 2 socio economic strata from Mumbai city Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Vasundhara Agarwal Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Development Research
Inadequate sleep reduced physical activity and increased screen time responsible for obesity in children Dr. Tejender Kaur Sarna Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Current Research
Role of Nonwoven in Sustainable Products Dr. Teli  and Ms. Armaiti Shukla Textiles & Apparel Designing Journal of Textile Association, November- December
Antibacterial evaluation of Curcuma longa extract on cotton nonwoven fabric Ms. Armaiti Shukla, Dr. Teli Textiles & Apparel Designing International Journal of Researches in Social Sciences and Information Studies
Postural Assessment of Primary School Children working on Computers and the Associated risk Ms. Prachi Patel, Dr. Archana Bhatnagar and Dr. Manjit Kaur Chauhan Resource Management International Journal of English Language, Literature & Humanities (IJELLH)
Consumers’ Behaviour towards Online Purchases Ms. Hemani Malhotra, Dr Manjit kaur Chauhan Resource Management International Journal of English Language, Literature & Humanities (IJELLH)
Analysis of Home Science Journal ‘Research Reach’ Dr. Sachin Vaidya Library International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology


Meal  replacement: A way forward in the management of Obesity Dr. Jagmeet Madan Food  Nutrition and Dietetics Journal of  Indian Dietetic Association
Prevalence Of Metabolic Syndrome In Mumbai City Dr. Jagmeet Madan, Ms. Ankita Narsaria Food, Nutrition and Dietetics India  Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Research
Altered lipid responses to dietary interventions in obesity Dr. Meena Godhia, Ms. N. Naik Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Current Research In Nutrition And Food Science
Maternal overweight or obesity and associated risk Dr. Meena Godhia, D. Sawant Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Journal of Nutritional Biology, Gratis Journal of Food & Nutrition
Health and medical status of pregnant women from 2 socio economic strata from Mumbai city Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Vasundhara Agarwal Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International journal of Development Research
Dietary intake and physical activity status of elderly living in Mumbai city Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Firdosh R. Khatri, Ms. Priyanka Balsara Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Recent scientific Research
Nutritional assessment & health status of patients undergoing dialysis Ms. Bahar Mukri, Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Pure and Applied Bioscience
Correlation of food intake with Lipid profile in Private and Public hospital Cardiac patients Ms. Shaista Ansari, Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal in Management and Social Science
Nutritional awareness of the pregnant women in Mumbai city Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Vasundhara Agarwal Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Management Research
Functional and nutritional status if Indian institutionalized elderly Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Radhika Kalani Food  Nutrition and Dietetics Elixir international journal-food science
A Review on Protective role of Coffee in Chronic Diseases Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Gazal Shah Food  Nutrition and Dietetics BEST: International Journal of Humanities, Arts, Medicine and Sciences
A Review on Benefits of Resveratrol on Health and Diseases especially Cardiovascular Diseases Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Jinal Pasad Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Current Advanced Research
Prevalence of Medical Disorders in 60-90 year Elderly Residing in Mumbai Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Saneesha Sahni, Ms. Misbah Dhunna Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Current Research
Correlation of Dietary Intake,  Serum lipid  and Blood sugar profile in Male and Female Cardiac Patients Ms. Shaista Ansari, Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Innovative Research and Development
Effect of Fiber supplement on Weight loss and Body composition in Young adults from Mumbai, India Ms. Farin Inamdar, Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal in Management and Social Science
Nutrition and Health Knowledge of Fitness Trainers from Mumbai City Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Khushboo Sahijwani Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology
Dietary Pattern of overweight and obese children from affluent class of Jaipur City Dr. Tejinder Kaur Sarna, N. Singh Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Innovative Research and Review
Study on Socio-economic Status of handloom Weavers of North east India and Measures to Enhance their Sustainability Dr. Neera Barooah Textiles & Apparel Designing International Journal of Social Sciences
Garbage to Glamour Dr. Sabita Barauh, Mrs. Milan Desai Textiles & Apparel Designing Textile Value Chain
Denim finishes Mrs. Anju Tulshyan, Ms. Misbah Turk Textiles & Apparel Designing Textile Value Chain
Journey of costume designers in bollywood industry Mrs. Anju Tulshyan, Ms. Disha Zatakia Textiles & Apparel Designing Textile Value Chain
Fashion careers: finding the right fit for you Mrs. Anju Tulshyan Textiles & Apparel Designing Journal of the Textile Association
Expressions and Impressions in Fashion Journalism Dr. Suman Mundkur, Ms. Saumaya Santosh Textiles & Apparel Designing International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities  (IJELLH )
Assessment of Lighting in an Institutional Canteen: A Case Study Ms. Hemani Malhotra Resource Management Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal Impact Factor: 3.113
Hospitality Education: Expectations and Challenges Dr. K. P. Anuradha Resource Management IDEAS – A Compilation
Lets Help Smallholder Sprayer Safely Dr. Amar Dhere Science Journal of Resource – Resource by American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)
The Quest of Liberation and Achievement of it in Shashi Deshpande’s ‘That Long Silence’ Mr. Prakash Navgire English Literary Cognizance


Water Intake, Dietary Fibre, Defecatory Habits and its Association with Chronic Functional Constipation V. Jangid, Dr. Meena Godhia, N. Sanwalka, Mr. A. Shukla Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Current Research in  Nutrition & Food Science
Infant and Young Child-Feeding Practices, Indicators and Index, and Role of Socio-economic Status K. Karwa, Dr. Meena Godhia, A. Jadhav Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Advanced Nutritional and Health Science, North America
Effect of Maternal Nutritional Status on Birth Outcome U. Gala, Dr. Meena Godhia, Y. Nandanwar Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Advanced Nutritional and Health Science, North America
A study on the nutritional status of Jain women Ms. Ayushi Himesh Shah, Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition
Reciew: Cobalamine Status in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus Patients on Metformin Therapy Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Educational Scientific Research Journal
A Review on Effects of Polyphenols on Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiovascular Diseases and Cancer Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Bilquees Fatema Syed Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal in Physical & Applied Sciences
A Review on Protective role of Walnuts in Chronic Diseases Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Akshata Chavan Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal in Physical & Applied Sciences
Effect of Physical Activity and Psychological state on Body composition in Working and Non-working women of Lower middle Income Group Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Sumayya Khan Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Informative and Futuristic Research
A review on Supplementation of Micronutrients and its effect on Pregnancy outcome Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Moeina Shaikh Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal in Commerce, IT and Social Sciences
Practices for Food Safety, Sanitary conditions and Food handling by Street Food Vendors in the Suburbs of Mumbai city Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Bhaswati Batabyal Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Current Research
A Study on Nutritional and Health Status of Post Bariatric Patients Ms. Nisha Patole, Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing
A Study on Assessment Ms. Nikita, Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research
of Nutritional Status of Housemaids and Its Effect on Their Health In Mumbai City
A Study on Nutrient Intake and Nutrition Knowledge of lactating women (0-6 months) Ms. Rajeshwari, Dr. Rekha Battalwar International Journal for Scientific Research and Development
Sustainable consumer practices in reusing clothing Dr. Suman Mundkur Textiles & Apparel Designing International Research journal of Commerce, Business and Social sciences (IRJCBSS)
Evaluation of Uniform & footwear of hotel staff from front office desk & housekeeping dept Mrs. Manjiri Bhalerao Resource Management VEETHIKA – An International Interdisciplinary Research Journal
Tourism and Fusion of Cultures Mrs. Chetna Raje Resource Management VEETHIKA – An International Interdisciplinary Research Journal
Ergonomic Study of Musculoskeletal Problems among Residential Building Sweepers Ms. Hemani Malhotra Resource Management Pune Research Scholar – An International Multidisciplinary
Internship in Hospitality Industry: Expectations of Students, faculty and Managers Dr. K. P. Anuradha Resource Management IDEAS – A Compilation
A study of the impact of selected visual aids on Knowledge of Municipal School Children Dr. Sunanda Chande, Ms. Kamini Pradhan Mass Communication & Extension Research Journal of Family, community and consumer Sciences
ICT For Rural Development: Organazation and Management of Wi-Max Project at Baramati Mr. Janardan Pawar, Dr. Amar Dhere, Mr. Uday Govalkar Resource Management and Science Indian Streams Research Journal
Possibility for Application of Pollutant Transport Model for River Bhima Dr. Amar Dhere Science Bionano Frontier, Mumbai
Analysis of Air Pollution at Pune Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Site Dr. Amar Dhere Science Neo Geographia, Pune
Does India need just Smart City! Not Eco City? Hypothetical Analysis of Ecological Modernisation of SmaEco City  (Smart + Ecological) Model Dr. Amar Dhere Science Journal of Golden Research Thoughts
Neo-Globalization and Social Change: Radiance of Cultural Lag in Native Community Dr. Amar Dhere Science Journal of Business Management and Social Science
Recent Status of Groundwater Pollution of Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Site at Urali-Devachi Village in Pune City Dr. Amar Dhere Science Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology
Impact of Women Literacy on Composition of Workforce and Living Standards of families Dr. Amar Dhere Science Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology
Mobile and SMS Based Library Services: A Review Dr. Sachin Vaidya Library Shodh-Chetana


Food Habits and Nutrient Intake of Female Soccer Athletes of Mumbai city, India Dr. Jagmeet Madan, Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Dr. Tejender Kaur Sarna, Ms. Aamatulla Kapasi, Ms. Aafiya Ameer Ali, Ms. Vibha Kanani, Ms. Renuka Mulewa, Ms. Saima Mullaji Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Yoga, Physiotherapy and Physical Education
Almonds and Cardiovascular Health: A Review Mr. Saumik Kalita, Ms. Shweta Khandelwal, Dr. Jagmeet Madan, Mr. Himanshu Pandya, Mr. B. Sesikeran, Mr. Kamala Krishnaswamy Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrients, Impact factor: 3.55
Effect of Diet Rich in Resistant Starch on Fecal Microflora, Anthropometric and Biochemical Parameters in Healthy Adults Ms. Madhuri Nigudkar & Dr. Jagmeet Madan Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Applied Home Science, Impact factor: 4.829(SJIF); 3.10(IBI
Resistant Starch Content of Traditional Indian Legume Preparations Ms. Madhuri Nigudkar, Dr. Jagmeet Madan Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science (International)
Pregnancy after bariatric surgery Dr. Meena Godhia, Ms. Farogh Khan Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Home Science
Galactogogue – It’s stimulation on human milk production: A review Dr. Meena Godhia, Ms. Samina Vora Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review
Sleep restriction and its association with adolescent obesity: A review Dr. Meena Godhia, Ms. Neha Mistry Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Development Research
Nutritional Status of Patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome Ms. Niyati  Mehta, Dr. Meena Godhia, Mr. Abhinav Jain, Ms. Shibna Bhatia, Mr. Akash Shukla Food  Nutrition and Dietetics Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology
Prevalence of Malnutrition Across Varying Severity of Cirrhosis Associated with Dietary Insufficiency Ms. Shraddha Salunkhe, Dr. Meena Godhia, Mr. Abhinav Jain, Mr. Akash Shukla, Ms. Shobna Bhatia Food  Nutrition and Dietetics Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology
Dietary Intake and Lipid Profile of Overweight and Obese Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Recent Scientific Research
Potential of Phytochemicals in Cancer Prevention Ms. Aiashabee Shaikh, Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food  Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences
Incorporation of Superfoods in Snack Recipes (Trail mix, Date balls, Nutri bar) and its Sensory Evaluation Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Research Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences
Comparative Study Of Consumption Of Omega-3 And Its Relation To Chronic Diseases In Vegetarians And Non-Vegetarians Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences
A Study on Awareness and Consumption of Fortified foods among Male Adults of Mumbai Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Akshata Chavan Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Advanced Research
Assessment of Student Awareness and Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme Regarding Adulteration of Food Ms. Krystel Godfrey, Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Home Science
Study on weight loss strategies followed by women in fitness centres Ms. Razia Zoeb, Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
Study on the assessment of nutritional and health status of children from Orphanages Ms. Mahira Sethia, Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Basic And Applied Research
A Study On PCOD And Associated Causative Risk Factors Ms. Rutu Savla, Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts
Consumption Pattern of Jaggery and Jaggery Products in 3 Cities in Western Maharashtra Ms. S. Mane, Dr. S. Udipi Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Estimation of iron, zinc and Total acid – insoluble ash content of jaggery samples from three different regions of Maharashtra Ms. S. Mane, Dr. S. Udipi Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Applied Home Science
Development of reinforced interlining materials to regulate elastic properties Nadezhda Kornilova, Sergey Koksharov, Anna Arbuzova, Ms. Armaiti Shukla and Dr. Suman Mundkur Textiles & Apparel Designing Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research, Vol. 42 (2), June 2017
Pad-dyeing of cellulosic nonwoven fabrics with the Queen of reds: R. cordifolia Dr. Teli,  Ms. Armaiti Shukla Textiles & Apparel Designing Asian Dyer
Cellulosic nonwovens embedded with Camellia Sinensis extract for imparting multifunctional properties Ms. Armaiti Shukla Textiles & Apparel Designing The Indian Journal of Home Science (International)
Recycled Raw Materials Gain Recognition in Technical Textiles Dr. Suman Mundkur Textiles & Apparel Designing Textile Value Chain
Workstation assessment for packaging department: a case study Ms. Hemani Malhotra, Dr. Archana Bhatnagar, Dr. Manjit Kaur Chauhan Resource Management International Journal of Home Science
Library Spaces in Interiors: Essentials of Design Component Ar. Uday Govalkar Resource Management Vidyavarta -International Multilingual Research Journal
Green Libraries in India: a Status Report Dr. Sachin Vaidya Library Knowledge Librarian


Breakfast consumption and physical activity of college going students in Mumbai city Ms. Roshni Dange Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Online international interdisciplinary research journal
Management of refractory epilepsy by using polyunsaturated fatty acid ketogenic diet – A case study Ms. Subhasree Ray, Dr. Meena Godhia Food, Nutrition and Dietetics IP Journal of Nutrition, Metabolism & Health Science
Eating Habits and night snacking patterns of young women at risk for eating disorders Ms. Jyoti Gandhi, Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International journal of physiology, nutrition and physical education
Physical activity pattern and nutrient intake in young adults going to gymnasium in Mumbai city Ms. Prachi Jhaveri, Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International journal of yogic, human movement and sports sciences
Exposure to weight loss advertisement in the mass media and its effects on the health of young women in Thane city Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Ayesha Mulla Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research
Study on Vitamin D and Calcium deficiency in patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus and Non Diabetic Population Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Shirin Shaikh Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research
Consumption of Oil, Sugar and its Health effects on Adults Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ms. Prajakta Gaikwad Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research
Study on Life style and Dietary patterns of Type -2 Diabetes patients in Mumbai city Ms. Reena Kumari, Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Research Journal of Engineering and Management Studies
Assessment of the dietary nutrient pattern and Phytochemical index in Diet of adolescents and Young adults in Mumbai city Ms. Simran Sanjay Khandagale, Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Dr. Jagmeet Madan, Dr. Shobha A. Udipi, Dr. Rama A. Vaidya Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
A study on breastfeeding practices of mothers undergoing normal delivery and caesarean section Ms. Humrah Farooqui, Dr. Rekha Battalwar Food, Nutrition and Dietetics The Pharma Innovation Journal
Buying Trends for Home Furnishing Among Consumers on Mumbai Mrs. Anju Tulshyan, Dr. Ela Dedhia Textiles & Apparel Designing IOSR-JPTE International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering
Dyeing Process of Maheshwari Handloom Textiles of Madhya Pradesh Mrs. Vidya Thakur Textiles & Apparel Designing The Journal of Textile Association of India


Consumer Preferences in Fragranced Textiles Jasmina Panchal & Suman Mundkur Textiles and Apparel Design International Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering A.7(1), 59-62. ISSN 2394-2592 Doi: 10.14445/23942592/IJPTE-V7I1P108
Antibacterial Treatment on Cotton Fabric from Aloe Vera Hetal Mistry, Suman Mundkur & Anju Tulshyan Textiles and Apparel Design International Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering B.7(1), 54-58. ISSN 2394-2592 Doi: 10.14445/23942592/IJPTE-V7I1P107
Contemporary Issues in Textile Industry Suman Mundkur and Ayman Satopy Textiles and Apparel Design Textile Value Chain Volume 8: Issue 2, pp. 11-12. ISSN No.: 2278-8972.
Understanding Clothing Needs of Specially-abled Individuals Sampada Surve and Dr. Suman Deepak Mundkur Textiles and Apparel Design Textile Value Chain, Cover Story February 2020 in Volume 8: Issue 6, pp. 32. ISSN No.: 2278-8972.
A Road Map to Boutique Management Anju tulshyan and Hetal Mistry Textiles and Apparel Design Textile value chain August 2020 ISSN No.2278-8972 volume 8,Issue 8
Problems faced by Commuters at Ticketing Area of Mumbai Suburban Railway Stations Hemani Malhotra & Prachi Patel Resource Management International Journal of Research and Review, Volume 6, Issue 12 (ISSN: 2349-9788)
Development of novelty yarn and fabric from Mesta fibre(Hibiscus Sabdariffa) Dr. Juhi Agarwal and Dr. Ela Dedhia MSc Fashion Design International Journal of Recent Scientific Research ,Vol. 10, Issue, 09(C), pp. 34725-34727, September, 2019
Sustainable Extraction and Characterization of Hibiscus Sabdariffa (Mesta) Fibre Dr. Juhi Agarwal and Dr. Ela Dedhia MSc Fashion Design ‘International Journal of Engineering and Advanced
Technology (IJEAT ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019, Page No.2425-
ZERO-WASTE PATTERN CUTTING :Eliminating Pre-Consumer Fabric Waste in the Pattern Cutting Room Dr.Sabita Baruah & Meherr Sawhney MSc Fashion Design Textile Value Chain,Volume,8 Issue 2, Page no. 14-17, 2020 (ISSNNo: 2278-8972)
Assimilation of Architecture in Fashion Wear Dr.Sabita Baruah & Namrata Patil MSc Fashion Design International Journal of Fashion Technology & Textile Engeering, (online)Volume-8, No.3 (ISSN No:2329-9568 )
Assessment of nutrient intakes of tribal children of Palghar district, Maharashtra, India, aged 10-15 years Mahima Ramesh Bhanushali, Jagmeet Madan and Nisha Bellare MSc Specialized Dietetics International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education 2019; 4(2): 322-325
Physical activity patterns and sleep patterns among school going children of age 10-12 years across  Mumbai Mariyam Dalal, Dr. Jagmeet Madan and Panchali Moitra MSc Specialized Dietetics International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education 2019; 4(2): 209-215.
Assessment of nutrient intake of children suffering from Autism spectrum disorder Priyanka Kamdar, Jagmeet Madan and Nisha Bellare MSc Specialized Dietetics International Journal of Recent Scientific Research ;Vol. 10, Issue, 09(H), pp. 35060-35067, September, 2019.
Determinants of Food Choice in a school Environment Rashmi Bhatt, Jagmeet Madan, Panchali Moitra MSc Specialized Dietetics Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development; Vol 11, No 10, October 2019.
Nutritional knowledge of the parents and home food environment of 10 to 12 year old children of Mumbai Shema Nawab, Dr. Jagmeet Madan and Panchali Moitra MSc Specialized Dietetics International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education 2019; 4(2): 114-119
Assessment of the dietary nutrient pattern and Phytochemical index in Diet of adolescents and Young adults in Mumbai city Simran Sanjay Khandagale, Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Dr. Jagmeet Madan, Shobha A Udipi and Rama A Vaidya MSc Specialized Dietetics International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education 2019; 4(1): 1905-1909
Level of physical activity and its relation with anthropometry in type 1 diabetes mellitus Gala Vaibhavi R, Dr. KP Anuradha and Dr. Mehta Anushree V MSc Specialized Dietetics International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education 2019; 4(1): 1888-1891
Apps For Weight Loss and Women’s Health Evaluation and Identification of Gaps Sumaiya Bhamani, Dr. Shobha Udipi
Dr. Anuradha Ramesh
MSc Specialized Dietetics Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6
Usage of Online Food Delivery Apps among Women Residing in Paying Guest Kirti Munot, Shobha Udipi. KP Anuradha MSc Specialized Dietetics Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6
Review Of Diabetes Mellitus Management Information Available On Various Websites Fatima Adam, Dr. Shobha Udipi, Ms. Salome Benjamin MSc Specialized Dietetics Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) , © 2019 JETIR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6 (ISSN-2349-5162)
Are Carbohydrate Counting Apps Useful For People With Diabetes? Opinions Of Dietitians
And Diabetologists
Anam Gubitra, Dr. Shobha Udipi, Mrs Sheryl Salis MSc Specialized Dietetics Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) , © 2019 JETIR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6 (ISSN-2349-5162)
A study on breastfeeding practices of mothers
undergoing normal delivery and caesarean section delivery
Humrah Farooqui and Dr. Rekha Battalwar MSc Specialized Dietetics The Pharma Innovation Journal 2019; 8(6): 1190-1195
Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders among building sweepers Hemani Malhotra, Manjit Kaur Chauhan Resource Management International Journal of Health Sciences and Research


Unraveling thermodynamic and conformational correlations in action of osmolytes on hen egg white lysozyme Dr. Rajeshree Amit Shinde, Nand Kishore, Pooja Prasannathan, Ritutama Ghosh Science Journal of Molecular Liquids
Bibliographic Analysis of Doctoral Dissertations in Library and Information Science from 1985 to 2005 Dr. Sachin Vaidya, Dr. Amar Dhere Library, Science Shodh Sanchar Bulletin
Impact of behaviourally focused nutrition education intervention on attitudes and  pratices related to eating habits and activity levels in Indian adolescents Panchali Moitra and Jagmeet Madan Self Financed Programs Public Health Nutrition
Development and validation of a questionnaire measuring knowledge, attitudes and practices to healthy eating and activity patterns in school children (HEAPS) Panchali Moitra and Jagmeet Madan Self Financed Programs Nutrition and Health
Effect of Almond Consumption on Metabolic Risk Factors—Glucose Metabolism, Hyperinsulinemia, Selected Markers of Inflammation: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Adolescents and Young Adults Panchali Moitra and Jagmeet Madan Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Frontiers in Nutrition
Development of Food Related Environments at School and Home Questionnaire (FRESH Q) Panchali Moitra and Jagmeet Madan Self Financed Programs Current developments in Nutrition
Screen time is associated with eating habits, sleep patterns, and adiposity measures in adolescents Panchali Moitra and Jagmeet Madan Self Financed Programs Obesity Facts
Using the intervention mapping framework to develop, implement and evaluate effectiveness of a school based nutrition education program Panchali Moitra and Jagmeet Madan Self Financed Programs Proceedings of Nutrition Society
Association of eating behaviours with anxiety and depression symptoms in overweight adolescents: a cross sectional study Panchali Moitra and Jagmeet Madan Self Financed Programs Proceedings of Nutrition Society
Influence of Covid-19 lockdown on eating pattern, sleep cycle, physical activity, and quality of life in the Age group of 18-25 years Rekha Battalwar and Siddhi Kripal Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)
A study to assess the snacking pattern among adolescents and young adults and its effect on the meal pattern and overall nutritional status Rekha Battalwar and Krishna R Jogi Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Home Science
Organic Fabrics : Need of a Safe Environment Ms. Vidya Thakur and Ms. Swati Patali Textiles and Apparel Designing Textile Value Chain
Property Enhancement of Cotton Nonwovens using Ecofriendly Bioactive Terminalia Chebulla Dr. Armaiti Shukla and Dr. Teli Textiles and Apparel Designing Textile Value Chain
Responsibly Redesigning Dr. Armaiti Shukla Textiles and Apparel Designing Textile Value Chain
The Emerging Future for Polyester Ms. Annu Jain and Ms Rashi Trivedi Textiles and Apparel Designing Textile Value Chain
Cotton – The Indian Heritage Textiles Ms. Annu Jain Textiles and Apparel Designing Textile Value Chain
A Road Map To Boutique Management Ms. Anju Tulshyan and Ms. Hetal Mistry Textiles and Apparel Designing Textile Value Chain
Avant Garde: Designing The Future Of Fashion Ms. Anju Tulshyan and Ms. Vasavi Mehta Textiles and Apparel Designing Textile Value Chain
Amalgamation Of Art And Fashion Ms. Anju Tulshyan and Ms. Kajal Mahamunkar Textiles and Apparel Designing International Journal of Home Science
Ties and Bow Ties Ms. Sukhmit Vaman and Ms. Simran Kaur Sokhi Textiles and Apparel Designing Textile Value Chain
A Study on Assimilation of Taj Mahal architecture in Product Designing Ms. Anju Tulshyan and Ms. Rutvi Durdundi Textiles and Apparel Designing International Journal of Home Science
An overview of microencapsulation technology in the application of aroma and antibacterial finishes Ms. Anju Tulshyan and Dr.Ela Dedhia Textiles and Apparel Designing International Journal of Home Science
Blended Classroom : A Method for encouraging effective global educational learning environment Dr. Ravi Vidhule, Ms. Jyoti Veldode, Ms. Shilpa Sawalakhe Human Development Transition from traditional Teaching Methodology to Online Teaching
Covid – 19 Impact Challenges and Implication in India Dr. Ravi Vidhule, Ms. Jyoti Veldode, Ms. Shilpa Sawalakhe Human Development Impact of Covid-19 on teaching learning process in India


Comparative Study & Design of Performance Appraisal Model For Educational Institute Providing MultiDimentional Status Dr. Amar Dhere, Ar.Uday Govalkar Resource Management Shodh Sanchar Bulletin
A Study of Occupational Health Status of Building Sweepers in Mumbai, India Ms. Hemani Malhotra, Dr. Manjit Kaur Chauhan Resource Management Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research
Bell Metal Industry Workers in Assam Using Hand Tool-Hammer: An Intervention Study Dr. Prachi Patel, Manjit Kaur Chauhan, Sarma Dipasri Resource Management International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research
A Study On The Lifestyle, Physical Activity And Dietary Pattern Among Adults In Urban And Rural Areas In Maharashtra: A Community-Based Comparative Study Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Chaitrali Kharat Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts
A Study To Assess The Snacking Pattern Among Adolescents And Young Adults And Its Effect On The Meal Pattern And Overall Nutritional Status Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Krishna Jogi Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Home Science
Influence of Covid-19 lockdown on Eating pattern, Sleep cycle, Physical activity and Quality of life in the age group of 18-25 years Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Siddhi Kripal Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts
A Comparative Study On Management Of Chronic
Diseases And Consumption Of Immunity Boosting Foods
In The COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Saba Khan Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Home Science
Assessment Of Lifestyle Pattern Of Indian Adults Suffering From COVID – 19 In The ‘Pre – Covid’, ‘During – Covid’ And ‘Post – Covid’ Phases: An Observational Study Of Patients Aged 20 – 50 Years Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Pinky  Jhala Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews
Assessment Of Lifestyle Pattern Of Indian Adults Suffering From Covid – 19 In The ‘Pre – Covid’, ‘During Covid’ and ‘Post – Covid’ Phases: An Observational Study Of Patients Aged 51 – 85 Years Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Ria Hawle Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts
Assessment Of The Psychological Health, Quality Of Life In Pre Covid – 19, During Covid – 19 And Post Covid – 19 Patients And Its Association With The Dietary Patterns Of Indians Aged 50-85 Years Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Sarah Khalid Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Educational Research Journal
A Study to Assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Immunity Boosting Foods and its Association with Perceived Stress and Fear of COVID-19 among Indian Adults with Age 20 to 80 years Dr. Rekha Battalwar, Sayli Chavan Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews
Circular Economy: Consumer Perception Towards Upcycled High -Value Products Dr. Armaiti Shukla, Ms. Kvina Teli Textiles and Fashion Designing Journal of the Textile Association
Antibacterial Properties of nonwoven cotton fabrics treated with Terminalia Chebula and Curcuma Longa Dr. Armaiti Shukla, Dr. Teli Textiles and Fashion Designing Kalyan Bharati
Lockdown Diaries: Developing the art of fashion blogging and communication Dr. Armaiti Shukla Textiles and Fashion Designing The Literary Herald
The Telltale of Indelible Painting Ms. Anju Tulshyan, Anjusha Ghadage, Huda Kazi, Brinal Mankar Textiles and Fashion Designing International Journal Of Novel Research and Development
Impact of screen time during COVID-19 on eating habits, physical activity, sleep, and depression symptoms: A cross-sectional study in Indian adolescents Panchali Moitra, Jagmeet Madan Self Financed Programs PLOS One
Association of sleep quality with depression, anxiety and stress symptoms in Indian adults with diabetes during COVID-19 Panchali Moitra, Janhavi Kalgi, Shriya Shah, Jagmeet Madan Self Financed Programs Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
Effect of Almond Consumption on Metabolic Risk Factors—Glucose Metabolism, Hyperinsulinemia, Selected Markers of Inflammation: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Adolescents and Young Adults Jagmeet Madan, Sharvari Desai, Panchali Moitra, Sheryl Salis, Shubhada Agashe, Rekha Battalwar, Anushree Mehta, Rachana Kamble, Soumik Kalita, Ajay Phatak, Shobha Udipi, Rama Vaidya, Ashok Vaidya Food, Nutrition, Dietetics Frontiers in Nutrition
Independent and combined influences of physical activity, screen time, and sleep quality on adiposity indicators in Indian adolescents Panchali Moitra. Jagmeet Madan, Preeti Verma Self Financed Programs BMC Public Health
A Study of Occupational Health Status of Building Sweepers in Mumbai, India Ms. Hemani Malhotra, Dr. Manjit Kaur Chauhan Resource Management Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research
Bell Metal Industry Workers in Assam Using Hand Tool-Hammer: An Intervention Study Dr. Prachi Patel, Manjit Kaur Chauhan, Sarma Dipasri Resource Management International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research


Photography and Architecture Ar.Uday B.Govalkar English e – Journal of English Language, Literature & Criticism Vol.- III, Issue- 3
Education 4.0: Holistic Development of Stakeholders as Institutional Distinctiveness Dr. Anuradha Ramesh, Ms. Hemani Malhotra English International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research
Working Posture Analysis of Female Residential Building Sweepers using OWAS Method Ms. Hemani Malhotra, Dr. Manjit Kaur Chauhan English International Journal for Research Trends and Innovations
Occupational Health Problems among Handicraft Workers in Arunachal Prades Dr. Prachi Patel, Poorni Bagra, Manjit Kaur Chauhan Food, Nutrition, Dietetics International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences Vol. 11, Issue 13
Levels of Physical Activity among Female Students staying in Hostels of Mumbai Dr. Prachi Patel, Chauhan Manjit Kaur, Sarma Noorisha Human Development CIKITUSI Journal for Multidisciplinary Research Vo. 10, issue 4
Strengthening Research Culture in Higher Education Dr Panchali Moitra Media Communication and Development Journal of Higher Education and Research Society: A Refereed International
Curriculum Development-Exploring Prototype Dr. Rajeshree Amit Shinde Media Communication and Development Saraswati Research Journal
Governance, Leadership and Managment in Higher Education Manjiri Bhalerao , Vipra Banerjee Media Communication and Development Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal
Creating an ecosysyem of innovation and entrepreneurship Dr Armaiti Shukla Resource Management International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts: Volume 10, Issue 11
Mentoring college students:Augmenting psychological wellbeing Archana Jain Science International Journal of Research and Analytical Review: vol. 10, issue 2


A Study of Postmodern Narrative Technique in Manohar Malgonkar’s The Bend In The Ganges Dr. Prakash Navgire English e – Journal of English Language, Literature & Criticism Vol.- III, Issue- 3
A Study of Self-Centeredness, Social Breakdown and Corruption in Aravind Adiga’s ‘The White Tiger’ Dr. Prakash Navgire English International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research
A Critical Study of an Inner Struggle of Youth in Chetan Bhagat`s Five Point Someone Dr. Prakash Navgire English International Journal for Research Trends and Innovations
Feasibility of iron and zinc fortification in Jaggery Powder Dr. sulakshana Mane Food, Nutrition, Dietetics International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences Vol. 11, Issue 13
Portfolios: An intervention to enable effective assessments by early childhood educators Dr. Bhamini Mehta, Ms. Archana Jain, Ms. Anushri Soni Human Development CIKITUSI Journal for Multidisciplinary Research Vo. 10, issue 4
Adopting Digital Formats for Writing Scripts for Audio-Visual Productions Dr.Rohit Pawar Media Communication and Development Journal of Higher Education and Research Society: A Refereed International
Use of Bicycles for Sustainable life in Mumbai Dr.Rohit Pawar Media Communication and Development Saraswati Research Journal
Importance of MOUs for Assessment and Accreditation Dr.Rohit Pawar Media Communication and Development Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal
Occupational Health Problems among Domestic Waste Collectors Dr Hemani Malhotra Resource Management International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts: Volume 10, Issue 11
Comparison of Macronutrient Intake and Anxiety Levels between Vegans, Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians Dr. Rajeshree Shinde, Ms. Nikita Dhawan, Dr. Madhuri Nigudkar Science International Journal of Research and Analytical Review: vol. 10, issue 2
The Telltale of Indelible Painting Ms. Anjushah Ghadge, Ms. Brinal Mankar, Ms. Anju Tulshyan, Ms. Huda Kazi Textiles and Fashion Design International Journal of Novel Research and Development, vo. 7, issue 5
Scope Of Khadi in fashion Industry Ms. Kashmik Nair, Ms. Anju Tulshyan Textiles and Fashion Design International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 9, issue 11
Difference in shopping behaviour Ms. Kashmik Nair, Ms. Anju Tulshyan Textiles and Fashion Design International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 9, issue 12
Exploratory Data Analysis on Consumer Acceptance Post Covid 19 Pandemic for Herbal Antimicrobial Sheets Ms. Anju Tulshyan, Dr.Ela Dedhia Textiles and Fashion Design International Journal of Novel Research and Development, vol. 8, issue 3
Socioeconomic, intrapersonal and food
environmental correlates of unhealthy snack
consumption in school-going adolescents
in Mumbai
Dr. Panchali Moitra, Dr. Jagmeet Madan Postgraduate Programs and Research BMC Public Health, vol. 22, issue 1
Determination of FODMAP Contents of Traditional Indian Regional Recipes Dr. Panchali Moitra, Ms. Sakshi Rajole, Ms. Girija Damle, Dr. Jagmeet Madan Postgraduate Programs and Research Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 6, Issue Supplement_1
Diet and Activity Related Factors of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in Adults With Diabetes During COVID-19: An Online Survey in India Dr. Panchali Moitra, Ms. Janhavi Kalgi, Ms. Shriya Shah, Dr. Jagmeet Madan Postgraduate Programs and Research Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 6, Issue Supplement_1
Hyperinsulinemia: an early biomarker of metabolic dysfunction Ms. Rama Vaidya, Sharvari Desai, Dr. Panchali Moitra, Ms. Shery Salis, Dr. Jagmeet Madan Postgraduate Programs and Research Frontiers in Clinical Diabetes and Healthcare, Volume 4
Evidence and consensus-based clinical practice guideline for the management of obesity and overweight in postpartum women: An AIIMS-DST initiative Dr. Jagmeet Madan Postgraduate Programs and Research Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 12(5):p 812-855, May 2023
A stepwise Approach to Prescribe Dietary Advice for Management in Postpartum and Midlife Women Ms. Anita Malhotra, Ms. Aditi Verma, Ms. Divjyot Kaur, Ms. Piyush Ranjan , Dr. Jagmeet Madan Postgraduate Programs and Research The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India, volume 72
Adiposity, Blood Glucose  and Insulin Levels in Adolescents and Young Adults in Mumbai City; Association with Consumption of Milk and Milk Products Ms. Aditi Goyal, Dr. Shobha Udipi, Ms. Rama Vaidya , Ms. Sharvari Desai, Dr. Jagmeet Madan Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Science and Health Care Research; Vol7, Issue 3
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of adolescents and young adults (16-25 years) regarding dairy consumption in Mumbai city: A KAP study regarding dairy consumption Ms. Aditi Goyal, Dr. Shobha A Udipi, Ms. Rama Vaidya, Ms. Anushree Mehta, Dr. Jagmeet Madan, Dr. Ashok DB Vaidya Food, Nutrition and Dietetics International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Vol. 11, Issue 7
Development and Standardization of Modified Low FODMAP Regional Recipes of India Ms. G. Damle, Ms. S. Rajole-Patil, Dr. J. Madan, Dr. P. Moitra Postgraduate Programs and Research Curr Dev Nutr., vol. 7
Association of eating habits, sleep quality and perceived stress with emotional eating behaviour among Indian adults: A cross-sectional study Ms. S. M. Pal, Dr. J. Madan Postgraduate Programs and Research Int J Food Sci Nutr., vol. 8, issue 1
Socioeconomic, intrapersonal and food environmental correlates of unhealthy snack consumption in school-going adolescents in Mumbai Dr. P. Moitra, Dr. J. Madan Postgraduate Programs and Research BMC Public Health, vol. 22, no.1
Assessment of Nutrient Intake and its Association with Protein Energy Wasting in Hemodialysis Patients 10. Ms. Harshita Anavkar , Dr. Jagmeet Madan , Dr. Anuradha Ramesh, Mr. Zamurrud Patel, Dr. Bharat Shah Postgraduate Programs and Research International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research Vol. 8, Issue 2
Standardization and sensory evaluation of pearl millet and finger millet recipes using food to food fortification for children aged 10-15 years from different socioeconomic strata in Mumbai Ms. Pushpa Choudhary, Dr. Jagmeet Madan, Dr. Anuradha Ramesh Postgraduate Programs and Research International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 10, Issue 2
Evaluation of Quality of life, Nutritional Attitude and Food Behaviour of women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (18-30 years) in Mumbai Ms. Manasi Gawade, Dr. Jagmeet Madan,  Dr. Anuradha Ramesh Postgraduate Programs and Research International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 10, Issue 2
A Comparative Study On Nutritional Status And Dietary Intake Among Pregnant Women Consuming Vegetarian Or Non- Vegetarian Diet In Mumbai City Chaudhary Rukhsar., Rekha Battalwar Postgraduate Programs and Research International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews
Dietary Intake And Consumption Of High Fat, Sugar And Salt Foods (Hfss) Amongst Adolescents (10-18 Years) In Mumbai Metropolitan Region Rubina Naru, Rekha Battalwar Postgraduate Programs and Research Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
Assessment Of The Psychological Health, Quality Of Life (Qol) In
Pre-Covid-19, During Covid-19 And Post Covid-19 Patients And Its
Association With The Dietary Patterns Of Indians Aged 18-49 Years
Saima Ansari,  Rekha Battalwar Postgraduate Programs and Research International Journal of Current Science
Assessment Of The Comparative Analysis Of The Ayurvedic Medicine And Pathya Aahar With Allopathic Medicine In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Shamika G,  Rekha Battalwar Postgraduate Programs and Research nternational Journal of Novel Research and Developmen
Assessment of dietary patterns and sleep quality in middle-aged Gujarati community Hiral patel,  Rekha Battalwar Postgraduate Programs and Research International Journal for
Research Trends and Innovation (IJRTI)
A Study on Impact of Social Isolation on
Psychological Health, Physical Health and Dietary Pattern in Geriatric Population
Rasika Yerunkar,  Rekha Battalwar Postgraduate Programs and Research International Journal of Novel Research and Development (IJNRD)
Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Of Ayurveda Dietary Principles Among Ayurveda Graduates In Mumbai City: A Cross-Sectional Study Riya Mishra,  Rekha Battalwar Postgraduate Programs and Research International Journal of Novel Research and Development (IJNRD)
Comparative Study On Assessment Of Effect Of High Fat, Salt And
Sugar (Hfss) Foods Consumption On Agni Among Middle aged adults
Riya Jain,  Rekha Battalwar Postgraduate Programs and Research North Asian International Research Journal of Pharmaceutical & Medical Sciences
A cross-sectional study on the association of High fat, salt and sugar foods on Agni among Adolescents and Young adults Mansi Kajrolkar,  Rekha Battalwar Postgraduate Programs and Research International Journal for Research Trends and Innovations
A Study On Assessment Of Effect Of Samyoga Viruddha Ahara Consumption On Metabolic Syndrome In 35 – 50 Year Old Men And Women Of Mumbai Ruquaiyah Kanchwala,  Rekha Battalwar Postgraduate Programs and Research nternational Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR
The Effect Of Prakriti, Dietary And Lifestyle Habits On The Health Status Of Individuals Aged 18-60 Years – A Cross Sectional Comparative Study Sneha Kurapati,  Rekha Battalwar Postgraduate Programs and Research International Journal of Novel Research and Development (IJNRD)
A Comparative Observational Study of Patya & Apatya Ahar Vihar in Obese Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Women of Age 18-45 Years Following Ayurvedic Treatment Dimple Sanghavi,  Rekha Battalwar Postgraduate Programs and Research International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM)
A study on knowledge, attitude and practices of
nutrition education in athletes
Huda Quershi,  Rekha Battalwar Postgraduate Programs and Research International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
Formulation & development of spirulina enriched, high protein, high fibre and low glycaemic index  protein bars Simran Seth,  Rekha Battalwar Postgraduate Programs and Research International Journal of Food Science and
A study of the effect of Desh viruddh ahar on acne in men and women in Mumbai and Surat Mahek Chawla,  Rekha Battalwar Postgraduate Programs and Research nternational Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
Assessment of pathya and apathya status among 30–70-year-old individuals diagnosed with hypertension: a cross sectional study Maitri Pokar,  Rekha Battalwar Postgraduate Programs and Research International Journal of Novel Research and Development (IJNRD)
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