Research & Development Centre

Overview of SVT R& D Centre

In 2018-2019, Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science (Empowered Autonomous Status) initiated a Research and Development Centre to strengthen the spirit of research in the institution. The primary aim of the R& D Centre is to focus on enriching the faculty and students with the latest expertise and skills in their area of specialization and interest to ensure their optimal growth. The centre’s specific functions include developing faculty research priorities in interdisciplinary areas, establishing collaborations with other universities, research centre’s, and industries and implementation, follow-up, progress, and monitoring of ongoing research projects. Since its inception, the centre has been responsible for informing students about intercollegiate research opportunities, organizing Academic Writing workshops for honing writing and analytical skills of students and faculty, and conducting expert lectures, hands-on training workshops, and faculty enrichment programs. Apart from the program requirements of dissertation and seminar, students are encouraged to engage in intensive research work under the mentorship of faculty advisors and industry experts.

Functions of the R & D Centre:

  • To co-ordinate research activities between various departments, faculty members and students
  • To develop faculty research priorities in interdisciplinary areas
  • To establish collaboration with other universities, research centres, and industries
  • To identify potential projects/sources of funds
  • Implementation, follow-up, progress and monitoring of on-going projects

Objectives of the research cell:

  • To create interest and awareness among faculty and students in research
  • To motivate staff to enroll for M.Phil and Ph.D Programs
  • To encourage the faculty to undertake research projects (UGC and Sponsored)
  • To plan and conduct faculty and student level workshops and staff development activities on research-related issues
  • To assist the faculty and students to participate in various research competitions- National and International
  • To encourage staff members and students to publish papers for publishing in National and reputed International Conferences/Journals
  • To develop strategies for collaborative research activities with other institutions/ Industries
  • To assist for applying and getting funds for conducting Seminar/Workshop/Faculty Development Programs from various available funding agencies
  • To maintain and disseminate current information about relevant research policy areas and initiatives in government

Members of R&D Centre

The R&D Centre at Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science (Empowered Autonomous Status), S.N.D.T Women’s University, Juhu, Mumbai has a core institutional committee, and a department-specific committee comprising the heads of the department and subject experts and advisors from different fields of specializations.

The core institutional R&D Centre committee comprises of:

  1. Dr Jagmeet Madan, Principal- Director, SVT R&D Centre
  2. Ms Manjiri Bhalerao, Vice Principal
  3. Dr Armaiti Shukla, IQAC Coordinator
  4. Dr Rekha Battalwar, Director, Administration and Planning
  5. Dr Panchali Moitra, Academic Dean (Postgraduate Programs and Research), Coordinator – SVT R&D Centre
  6. Dr Rama Vaidya, Dr Shobha Udipi, Dr Soumik Kalita- Chief Scientific Advisors
  7. Ms Pradnya Mandavkar, Ms Krisha Shah, Ms Rajkumari Nancy, Ms Jaya Chandawat- Research Project Staff
  8. Ms Chetna Desai- Accounts Head, SVT R&D Centre
  9. Heads of Departments
  10. Legal & Audit Consultants, Biostatisticians and Administrative Staff

Academic and Research Collaborations

To foster research and academic collaborations, the SVT R&D Centre collaborates with various food industries, hospitals, non-governmental organizations, fitness centres, start-ups, industry, governmental organizations and community welfare organizations to provide students with the necessary exposure and practical training. In the past years, several memorandums of understanding for academia-industry linkages have been signed by the institute. A few examples include HEIs such as Monash University, Australia, Rutgers University, USA, Lokmanya Tilak Medical College, Yoga Institute; industry partners such as Pepsico Holdings Pvt India Ltd, USV; hospitals such as Global Hospital, KEM Hospital, Tata Memorial, Reliance Hospital, BYL Nair hospital; research centres such as NIRRH, KHS- MRC, NIN-ICMR; government bodies such as FSSAI, FDA- Maharashtra; networking associations such as NetProFAN, IDA, AFSTI, Rotary Club of Bombay, non-governmental organizations such as FMCH, SNEHA, CACR and more.

SVT_Scientific Advisory Board

The R&D Centre of Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science (Empowered Autonomous Status), SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai constituted a Scientific Advisory Board and an Institutional Expert Research Review and Advisory Committee to provide mentorship and guidance to faculty and student researchers of the institution and be the nodal advisory committee for leading strategic research priorities, directions and initiatives.

The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) is a core part of the governance framework for the SVT-Research & Development Centre, providing advice and a means for scientific accountability. The board comprises of recognized scientists with diverse scientific expertise, vast domain knowledge and extensive experience. The SAB along with the Institutional Scientific and Research Review Committee (ISRRC) helps to discuss and deliver the institute’s scientific strategy.

Purpose of the Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board provides advice and guidance on scientific aspects of the institute’s research and future focus. The function of the Group is to review and advise the management team on the scientific direction of the unit, working alongside the Director, and Coordinator of the R& D Centre. The SAB members have a mandate for 4 years, which can be renewed for an additional term of 4 years.

Specifically, the Group functions to:

  • Provide expert advice on topics raised by the R& D Centre’s management team
  • Discuss and advise on the strategic direction and development of the cell.
  • Review the protocols, grant applications as and when required and provide external scrutiny of its quality.
  • Provide advice and expertise on research initiatives in order to maximise opportunities for wider collaboration for academic enrichment and research in key areas.

Members of Scientific Advisory Board

  1. Dr Jagmeet Madan, PhD, Director SVT R& D Centre, Principal, Professor
  2. Ms Manjiri Bhalerao, Vice Principal, Associate Professor
  3. Dr Shobha Udipi, PhD, Research Head and Director, Medical Research Centre-Kasturba Health Society
  4. Dr Vishwanath Mohan, MD, PhD, Chairman, DR Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre, IDF Centre of Excellence in Diabetes Care
  5. Dr Soumik Kalita, MBBS, MPH, CEO, FamPhysician,Gurgaon
  6. Dr Panchali Moitra, PhD, Academic Dean and Deputy Controller of Examinations (Postgraduate Program and Research), Coordinator, SVT R&D Centre

The first Annual Meeting of the SVT_Scientific Advisory Board was held on 22nd March 2024 in the SVT_Conference Room to deliberate on the strategies for strengthening the research ecosystem in the institution, discussing the potential areas of future research,  and planning for research promotion activities and undertaking consultancy and collaborative research projects.

Institutional Scientific & Research Review Committee

The Institutional Scientific & Research Review Committee (ISRRC) works closely with the institute to maintain ethical and scientific standards throughout a research project. Terms of appointment are for two years and members may be reappointed to consecutive terms.

The role of the ISRRC is to provide review of research activities for their scientific merit and operational impact to the institute and provide mentorship and guidance to research grant applicants as and when required. The committee’s independence and the avoidance of conflict of interest will be maintained by excluding any member with a direct interest in a proposal from participating in its review. All biomedical or behavioral research proposals involving human research subjects will be reviewed and approved by the ISRRC before submission to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or for independent ethics committee approvals.

The members of the department-specific institutional scientific and research review committee comprise of experts in the field of foods and nutrition, human development, resource management, textile and fashion design, media communication and development, information technology and entrepreneurship and sustainable development.

Institutional Ethics Committee

The SVT R& D Centre has constituted an Institutional Ethics Committee to ensure a competent review of all ethical aspects of the project proposals received by the centre. The details of the composition and procedures were discussed and approved in the governing body meeting held in April 2024.

Click here for the procedure details

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