Research Scholars & Guides

Sr. Name of PhD Scholar Name of the Department Name of the guide/s Title of the thesis Year of registration of the scholar
1 Manisha Palekar Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Dr. Jagmeet Madan Comprehension of Nutrition in Labelling and its Effect on the Behavious of Graduate
Consumers in Mumbai
2 Madhuri Nigudkar Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Dr. Jagmeet Madan Resistant Starch Content of Indian Ethnic Foods: Influence on Fecal Microfloral,
Anthropometric and Biochemical Profile
3 Panchali Moitra Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Dr. Jagmeet Madan Effectiveness of a school based nutrition education intervention to modify dietary habits
and activity patterns of 10-12 year old children
4 Shubhashree Ray Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Dr Meena Godhia Evaluation of Classic Ketogenic Diet and high Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Ketogenic diet in
Patients with Epilepsy
5 Rashida Vapiwala Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Dr Meena Godhia Functional Beverages and its effect on Urban Indian 2015
6 Chetana Raje Resource Management Dr Manjit Kaur Chauhan safety and emergency procedures in multiplexes at malls in India 2015
7 Hemani Malhotra Resource Management Dr Manjit Kaur Chauhan Study of sweepers in residential buildings; An ergonomic Intervention 2015
Teachers of this institute who have been awarded/ are registered for PhD with guides outside this institute
Sr. Name of PhD Scholar Name of the Department Name of the guide/s Title of the thesis Year of registration of the scholar
1 Nisha Bellare Food, Nutrition and dietetics NMIMS, Vile Parle West, Mumbai Dr Nancy Pandita Effect of glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate supplementation alongwith diet therapy on the
symptoms of patients with osteoarthritis
2 Suman Mundkur Textile, Apparel and Designing, Mumbai University Dr Ela Dedhia Sourcing and reuser of post -consumer clothing waste for technical textile products 2012
3 Armaiti Shukla Textile, Apparel and Designing, SNDT Women University,Mumbai Dr. M D Teli Anti -microbial effects of cellulosic nonwovens with natural dyes 2012
4 Neera Barooah Textile, Apparel and Designing, Mumbai University Dr Ela Dedhia Study of Textile of Selected Tribes residing in Assam 2012
5 Rajeshree Shinde Department of Chemistry, IIT, Mumbai Dr Nand Kishore Physico Chemical properties of amino acids in aqueous solutions and their synergistic
effects on protein stability
6 Rohit Pawar Mass Communication, SNDT Women University, Mumbai Dr. Madhavi Reddy Impact of Prime Time Soap-Operas on Rural Children 2009
7 Anju Tulsiyan Textile, Apparel and Designing Mumbai University Dr Ela Dedhia Study on Application of Herbal Functional Finishes on Home Textiles 2017
8 Anuradha Ramesh Resource Management, SNDT Women University,Mumbai Dr Vishnu Priya Das Skill Development and Management: A study on hospital Administration 2012

Research Guides:

Name Of Teachers Recognized As Research Guides Year Of Recognition
Dr Jagmeet Madan 2012
Dr Manjeet Kaur Chauhan 2013
Dr Meena Godhia 2014


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