Gold Medal Donors & Awardee


Gold Medals are awarded for academic excellence to the students of various specializations at graduate and post graduate levels. These are given to the awardees in the annual Convocation function at the hands of the Chief guest and the Chancellor of the S.N.D.T. Women’s University, Mumbai.

S.N.D.T. Women’s University, Mumbai has defined norms for institution of gold medals.

The College is deeply indebted to the donors of the seven gold medals instituted till academic year 2019-2020.

Gold Medals:

  • “Late Motibai Madhavji Thackersey” Gold Medal

Instituted in the year: 2013-14

Awardee: The topper of Faculty of Home Science, Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science (Empowered Autonomous Status), SNDTWU, Mumbai

Criteria: Securing the highest marks at the TY BSc Examination among all specializations

About the Donor:

Late MotiBai Madhavji Thackersey (1989-1966) was a great philanthropist and was looking after various Trust properties of the Thackersey family. She was also very religious and had been on many pilgrimages including Kailash and Mansarovar yatra. She was appointed as an Honorary Presidency Magistrate (Justice of Peace) and she was the first woman from Bhatia Community to get this Honor.

Instituted by:

This gold medal is dedicated to the memory of Late MotiBai Madhavji Thackersey by her nephew Mr. Sudhir Thackersey.


 “Late Mr . Krishnaraj MD Thackersey” Gold Medal

Instituted in the Year: 2014-15

Awardee: The topper of BSc (Honors) in the Department of Textile and Apparel Designing

Criteria: Securing Highest marks at the TY BSc Examination in the Honors stream of the specialization ‘Textile and Apparel Designing’

About the Donor:

Shri. Krishnaraj M.D. Thackersey (1909-1978) was a born textile man. He worked with his uncle Sir Vithaldas Thackersey and his father Shri. Madhavjee D. Thackersey who successfully nurtured the growth of Four cotton mills founded by his father. The success and prosperity attained by the host of firms and companies with which Shri. Thackersey was connected bare ample testimony of his business acumen, sagacity and foresight. He was instrumental in setting up of National Machinery Manufacturers Ltd, the pioneers in the field of manufacturing textile machinery in India. Shri Thackersey was a Trustee of more than 50 public Charitable trusts including Kasturbha Gandhi National Memorial trust, The Bombay Hospital Trust etc. This medal to the meritorious student of Department of Textile and Apparel Designing is a befitting tribute to his persona.

Instituted by:

This gold medal is dedicated to the memory of Shri. Krishnaraj M.D. Thackersey by his son Mr. Sudhir Thackersey.

 “Late Ms. Nirmala Kher” Gold Medal

Instituted in the Year: 2014-2015

Awardee:  The most deserving student of Department of Human Development

Criteria: Besides the academic performance, participation in events organised by the department and intra-personal skills and overall development at the TY BSc level among both streams, Honors and Regular, of both the specializations, offered by the Department of Human Development

About the Donor:

Mrs. Nirmala Kher, (1921-2014) felt deeply for the cause of women and children and had a burning desire to complete her education. After marriage, she completed her post graduation to serve the cause of which she was passionate about.

After starting as a junior lecturer in 1954, she availed of every opportunity despite family responsibilities, to study further specializing in Child Development and authored books on the subject of Child Development & Nutrition. As the first Principal, she was instrumental in building up S.V.T. College of Home Science and had the satisfaction to see it grow as a prominent institution of national stature. We salute her burning passion and zeal with this Gold Medal in her memory.

Instituted by:

This gold medal is dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Nirmala Kher by her daughter-in-law Mrs. Mrinalini Kher.

Nirmala Kher

“Late Dr. Kanta Malhotra” Gold Medal

Instituted in the Year: 2014-15

Awardee: The topper of the Department of Resource Management

Criteria: Securing highest marks at the TY BSc Examination among both streams, Honors and Regular, of both the specializations, offered by the Department of Resource Management

About the Donor:

Late Dr. (Mrs.) Kanta Malhotra (1950-2014) was born in a small town of Ranchi in Bihar, in the year 1950. She was indeed a woman of substance. At a time when not many girls were educated or encouraged to study, she obtained her Ph.D. degree and went on to become the Principal of L.R. Khullar School in Nagpur. She was immensely popular and admired in the institution and always encouraged girls to be educated and independent even in the times when it was tough to achieve. Not only was she an inspiration in the field of education, but also was a philanthropist who never let go of an opportunity to help the underprivileged and the needy. Her passion and enthusiasm in social work showed each time she contributed not only monetarily but also in the form of time and effort which was reflected in her tireless efforts she contributed as an active member of the Lioness Club of Mumbai. Today we are proud to institute a gold medal for the Department of Resource Management so that we remember her achievements and also provide an inspiration to many.

Instituted by:

This gold medal is dedicated to the memory of Late Dr . (Mrs.) Kanta Malhotra by her son Mr. Atul Malhotra.

“Late Ranjit Kaur” And “Swarnjit Singh Madan” Gold Medal

For Department of (2014-2015)

Instituted in the Year: 2014-2015

Awardee: The topper of the Department of  Food, Nutrition and Dietetics

Criteria: Securing highest marks at the TY BSc Examination among both streams, Honors and Regular, of the specialization ‘Food, Nutrition and Dietetics’

About the Donors:

Sardarni Ranjit Kaur Madan (1928-2013) and Sardar Swarnjit Singh Madan (1925-2009) were both visionaries who believed that empowerment of women can be achieved only through education. They were both postgraduates and were eager learners throughout their lives. After working for over 35 years, Sardar Swarnjit Singh Madan retired as Head of Marketing and Sales of a Multinational Pharmaceutical Company. He was “Indian” to the core, as he participated in the Quit India Movement of 1942 and was subsequently imprisoned. Despite the partition of India (& Pakistan) and the loss of homeland, he went on to achieve his academic pursuits of Bachelors in Science and Bachelor in Law. They both were self made professionals and encouraged their daughter and daughters-in-law to pursue professional careers as well. They strongly believed in the Sikh tenet of treating (women and) young girls as the torch bearers who should be strengthened with education so they can be instrumental in building enriched homes, contribute to society and be the pride of our nation. They both were health conscious and practiced a healthy lifestyle, with daily exercise and balanced diet. This gold medal is dedicated in their beloved memory.

Instituted by:

This gold medal is dedicated to the memory of “Late Ranjit Kaur” And “Swarnjit Singh Madan’ by her daughter-in-law  Dr. Jagmeet Madan.

“Ms. Maninder Kaur” & “Mr. Harbans Singh Uppal” Gold Medal

Instituted in the Year: 2018-19

Awardee: The topper of M.Sc. in Specialized Dietetics

Criteria: Securing highest marks at the MSc in Specialized Dietetics Examination

About the Donors:

Mrs. Maninder Kaur Uppal (1935-2019) & Late Sardar Harbans Singh Uppal (1926-2007) both led a very happy and contented life of blissful togetherness for 53 years. They were committed to the cause of education and the empowerment of women. Sardar Harbans Singh Uppal served in the Indian Railways as the Chief of Operations of Northern Railways. He was a very practical, noble, disciplined and positive soul. He would always spread positivity and encouragement with whomsoever he met or interacted. He contributed immensely by helping the weaker sections of the society and also worked actively for the elderly groups. Mrs. Maninder was a simple, beautiful and warm person who dedicated her life to touch people with her warmth and music. She was an excellent singer and was sought after for her Gurbani (Punjabi devotional hymns) Shabad renditions.

This Gold Medal is being instituted in their beloved memory & is to be given to the topper of M.Sc. in Specialized Dietetics. This program of M.Sc. in Specialized Dietetics is the First Master’s Program of Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science (Empowered Autonomous Status) SNDT Women’s University, Juhu, Mumbai.

Instituted by:

This gold medal is dedicated to the memory of “MS. MANINDER KAUR” AND “MR. HARBANS SINGH UPPAL” by their daughter  Dr. Jagmeet Madan.


“Late Dr. Madhab Chandra Das” & “Late Mrs. Nilima Das” Memorial Gold Medal

Instituted in the Year: 2019-20

Awardee: The topper of BSc (Regular) in the Department of Textile and Apparel Designing

Criteria: Securing Highest marks at the TY BSc Examination in the Regular stream of the specialization ‘Textile and Apparel Designing’

About the Donor:

Late Dr. Madhab Chandra Das obtained his Doctorate degree from Edinburgh University. He was Fellow of Royale Society of London and Fellow of Microscopic Society of London. Later, he went to USA under USAID program to get acquainted with US Agricultural program. He became Dean of Agricultural Science, Guwahati University. He was the founder Principal of Assam Agricultural College, Jorhat, Assam. He opened door of the College to the students of entire north-eastern region having diversified cultures, languages, religions, and traditions to develop an egalitarian society through emotional integration. He was pioneer in agricultural education for whole north-east region. He laid basic foundation of Assam agricultural University with his untiring efforts.

Late Mrs. Nilima Das, Assistant professor, Assam Agricultural University was a pioneer social worker. She particularly engaged in eradication of prejudice from society, gender equality, and empowerment of women. She was the leading actress in third Assames film (Manomati) released in 1942.

This gold medal is dedicated in their memory and is for the student who secures highest marks in B.Sc. Examinations from the department of Textiles and Apparel Designing of Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science (Empowered Autonomous Status) SNDT Women’s University, Juhu, Mumbai.

Instituted by:

This gold medal is dedicated in the memory of Late Dr. Madhab Chandra Das and Late Mrs. Nilima Das by their daughter Dr. Neera Barooah.

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