Dear SVT Students whom we fondly call “our SVTites”,
A warm welcome to all new entrants of Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science (Empowered Autonomous Status ) SNDT Women’s University Juhu, Mumbai.
Congratulations to all of you to take the first step to be a part of the SNDT Women’s University- the First Women’s University in India – a place for a New Age women empowered to take on the challenges of the twenty first century!
Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science is the First Autonomous College in the state of Maharashtra and has retained its Autonomous status for two decades with Academic Excellence. It has been Re-accredited by NAAC with “A” Grade and a coveted honor of College with Potential for Excellence (CPE PHASE I, II,III ; 2009 – 2020) from the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi. The college received the prestigious award of “ Best College Award of SNDTWU 2021 “
The College has been honoured with the prestigious Rashtriya Uchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA-2 ) Infrastructure Grant in 2018-20.
We are proud to share that the College has been successfully granted an extension of Autonomous status for 10 years w.e.f 2022 to 2032. It’s an immense honour to share that today Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science has been granted the status of Empowered Autonomous College by the SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai w.e.f June 30. 2023. It is indeed a proud moment to also share that today SVT has a Research and Development Centre and an SVT PhD Centre of SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai w.e.f June 2023.

The College has maximized its Academic Autonomy to initiate a number of Innovative New Programs in the last three years successively.
BSc Honors program in 7 specializations under Faculty of Home Science with Choice Based Credits (140 credits) system- the first step to strengthen the academic inputs in each specialization under Faculty of Home Science with immense professional opportunities. The program facilitates development of a broad base with each component of the program geared towards harnessing vocational growth.
MSc. Specialized Dietetics with three specializations – Diabetes and Cardiac Nutrition; Pediatric Nutrition; Renal Nutrition with collaboration with reputed medical organizations and hospitals. One of the First Programs in India to give a cutting edge to students to develop competence in specialized areas of clinical nutrition along with the broad based approach- the emerging need of the medical and health care in India
M.Design (Fashion Design) – Innovative Master’s Program in Fashion Design offered by Sir Vithaldas College of Home Science (Empowered Autonomous Status) under the Faculty of Design, SNDTWU, Mumbai.
- The College is in the process of 4 th Cycle of NAAC Reaccreditation.
- SVT Research and Consultancy Cell Established
- Entrepreneurship Incubation and Placement Cell (EIP) Established.
- SVT Alumni Association Registered
- Organized a series of 9 webinars for 9 days in the pandemic conditions on YOU, ME and COVID – LET’S TACKLE IT TOGETHER !!
- Adopted paperless working at all levels including admissions, results, Online teaching-learning, evaluation and examination
- Initiated a number of student-friendly steps in the area of Mental health through SVT – Family And Child Enrichment Centre
- Award of A Grade in Fourth Cycle of NAAC Reaccreditation with GPA 3.13
- Best College Award of SNDTWU, Mumbai – presented on 106th Foundation Day of SNDTWU
- Initiated TWO Masters Programs – Exercise Science and Sports Nutrition and Entrepreneurship Management and Business Development
- Initiated Online Programs in Nutritional and Medical Management of PCOS in collaboration with PCOS Society India.
- Instituting Research Grants for Faculty and Students
- Established Chair and Endowment Funds Created.
- Extension of Autonomous Status of SVT College for 10 years (2022-2032)
- FIVE Major and Minor research projects awarded to SVT faculty members from SNDTWU, Mumbai.
- The Creative Director of the Renowned Fashion Luxury Brand ‘Dior’ Ms Maria Grazia from Paris, France visited the SVT college.
- Conferment of the “Empowered Autonomous Status” to SVT College by SNDTWU , Mumbai from June 2023 to 2033.
- Organised the 2nd Sudhir Krishnaraj Thackeray endowment ORATION BY PADMASHREE V. MOHAN on March 22 nd 2024
- SVT Hosted the SECOND SVT Annual Graduation and Convocation Ceremony on March 5, 2024
The graph of growth of SVT has been exemplary in the last six decades and we owe it to all stakeholders who worked hard towards it … and our students are the most important stakeholders.
The college has adopted and implemented the New Education Policy (NEP 2020) w.e.f June 2023 in all graduate and postgraduate programs. The academic excellence is being fostered by the institution under the big canvas of opportunities being provided through NEP. We as an institution want to work towards building the virtual education ecosystem, global collaborations for higher education and research, Innovation and Incubation through the IIC -EIP cell- UNNATI, besides creating the niche with academic autonomy in curriculum planning and teaching pedagogy and at each step we would like to engage with you !!!
The College fosters overall development with a focus on academics, sports, gymkhana activities and a number of student friendly initiatives throughout the course work. There are a series of student led initiatives under NSS and Community outreach programs in rural and urban areas. The College has also spear headed a number of National and State level initiatives in the field of Nutrition, New Education Policy and Early childhood Care. The academic autonomy facilitates innovative ICT enabled teaching learning and evaluation methods with a lot of emphasis on practical work, on the job hands on training coupled with mandatory internship. There is a career guidance and placement cell which helps students choose the right career path. The institution has planned a number of self-financed courses which are in line with the upcoming thrust areas . The range of these programs is from Masters Programs to Certification and Fellowships in niche areas of specializations.
The College has been Granted a number of International Research Projects approved by USDA and American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics , USA(2017-2018),ABC USA, Harvest Plus USA( 2022-2024). It has also been granted One Major and Eight Minor Research Project Grant from University Grant Commission (2017-2023). There are a number of MOU being signed with national and international universities and organization of repute.
SVT experience is filled with a number of fun and engaging activities organized through the year by the student council to make the ambience of the College vibrant. In essence being an “ SVTite” is going to be an enriching, fun-filled and satisfying experience!
Welcome on board…..
Best wishes
Dr Jagmeet Madan
Email : | 022-26602504
Eminent Nutritionist, National President, Indian Dietetic Association; Principal and Professor- Department of Food Nutrition and Dietetics, Director, Research, Consultancy and Collaboration Centre at Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science (Empowered Autonomous Status), SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai.
Country representative for Asian Federation of Dietetic Association (AFDA) and International Confederation of Dietetic Association (ICDA).
She is a gold medalist and recipient of ‘Young Scientist Award’ and ‘Dr.Ramanathan Award’ from the Nutrition Society of India, National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad. She is a recipient of the prestigious International Research Grant awards – PNPG Grant (Pediatric Nutrition Practice Group – 2017) from American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, USA, Harvest Plus Grant- (2021-2023).
She has been an Expert on the FSSAI Scientific panels on Labelling and Claims/Advertisement and Scientific Panel of Nutrition and Fortification from 1st January 2020 to 31st March 2023, National Taskforce Member for International Year of Millets-2023 and presently the member of FSSAI Expert Panel on FOPNL(2023-2024).
Trained Expert for Diabetes Educator (International Diabetes Federation); FODMAP DIETS (Monash University, Australia) 2020.
She has more than 50 publications in International and National Peer reviewed Journals and Books.
Reach her at