Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science is an Autonomous and conducted college of SNDT Women’s University. As an Autonomous college, it has separate Department of Examinations with Controller of Examinations (COE) and Deputy Controller of Examinations (Deputy, COE). The department regulates and conducts all the examinations of the three years degree program in seven specializations of Home Science and all Self Financed Programs of the college. The results are declared within the stipulated time period as per the University norms. For each course Internal and External (Final) evaluation is done. Weightage for internal and External (Final) is 50: 50
Internals and Externals are separate heads of passing. Students have to secure the minimum passing marks (40%) in internals and externals separately. For all the courses as per the protocol of internal evaluation is carried out in the following ways-
PART 2- Project/Quiz/ Presentation/ Group Work/Report etc- of 25 Marks.- It is mandatory for all the students to appear for the PART 1- Unit Test of 25 marks.
- It is mandatory for all the students to appear for a minimum 40% of 25 marks (10 marks) Project/Quiz/Assignment/ Presentation/ Role play etc of PART 2.
- Students not appearing for PART 1 (Unit Test of 25 marks) and for more than 10 marks in PART 2 (Project/Quiz/Assignment/ Presentation/ Role play) will be declared “FAILED IN INTERNAL” and will not be allowed to appear for Final Exam. They should clear the internals in the following semester to be eligible to appear for the final examination in that course.
- Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA).
The work done in every class will be evaluated. If a student remains absent for any class, she will be marked “Ab” and awarded “ZERO” marks for that particular class.
Students have to secure the minimum passing marks (40%) in internals. Those students who fail to secure the minimum passing marks in the internal will not be eligible to appear for the final examinations in that course. They should clear the internals in the following semester to be eligible to appear for the final examination in that course. If the practical examination is conducted in more than one part, it is compulsory to appear for all the parts of practical examination. The duration of the final semester examination of 50 marks will be TWO hours. The duration of the Unit Test examination of 25 marks will be ONE hour.
UNIT TEST : Repeat UNIT TEST (Theory) will be given only in case if a student remains absent for Unit test on the medical ground (college doctor’s certificate is a must) or in case of death in the family (parents or sibling) or when representing college for extracurricular activity.
In case of Practical, repeat test will be given (on the above ground) Only if “OUT OF TURN” is available. The quiz will not be repeated for any reason except representing the college for extracurricular activity.
The examination committee will check the eligibility and take the decision based on documents submitted by the student. Students should intimate the college about sickness within 3 days of their absence. Students should submit a medical certificate, Doctor’s prescription, pathological reports, hospital admission and discharge certificate and bills along with medical/fitness certificate from college doctor immediately after she resumes the college.
FINAL EXAMINATION : Repeat Final Examination is not given for both the Theory or Practical Examination
It will be 40% as defined by the Faculty of Home Science, S.N.D.T. Women’s University, Mumbai.
Allowed To Keep Terms (A.T.K.T.):
Maximum 12 Credits will be allowed to carry forward.
For each semester examination, a maximum of 1% of the total Theory marks of that semester (If the number comes to a fraction less than 0.5, it will be rounded off to the immediate lower digit. If the number is 0.5 or more, it will be rounded off to the next immediate higher digit) can be given as grace marks for passing in the Course head. These marks can be given all in ONE course or SPREAD ACROSS ALL COURSES. For example, if the total Theory marks in a semester are of 600 marks then, a maximum of 6 marks grace can be given in the total. All the 6 marks grace can be given in one course or can be divided among all the courses wherever the student has failed to get the required minimum marks to pass.
- Up to 0.5 % of the total marks of that Semester can be given to bring the total up to 70 % (A+ grade). Fraction will be treated as mentioned above.
- The aggregate grade will be given on the basis of marks secured in the Specialization courses/marks secured in all six semesters. The Degree will be awarded by the S.N.D.T. WOMEN’S UNIVERSITY, MUMBAI.
- Grace Marks For ATKT Exams-A maximum of only 3 grace marks will be given each in only 2 courses.
- Admission to 2ndSemester is given provided a student is not failing in more than 12 Credits. of 1st
- Admission to 3rdSemester is given provided a student is not failing in more than12 Credits of 1st and 2ndsemester together.
- Admission to 4thSemester is given provided a student is not failing in more than 12 Credits of 1st , 2ndand 3rdsemester together.
- Admission to 5thSemester is given provided a student has passed in all heads of passing in 1stand 2nd Semester and is not failing in more than 12 cr. of 3rd and 4thsemester together.
- Admission to 6thSemester is given provided a student is not failing in more than 12 Credits of 3rd, 4th and 5thsemester taken together.
a) In case of failing, a student can reappear for that paper for FOUR times more.
So the total number of turns will be 1 original + 4 repeat.
b) In case of change in syllabi or restructure of the course, examination for old course will be conducted for Theory THREE and for practical FIVE academic years. Student, who does not clear backlog of theory papers in THREE years and practical in FIVE years, will have to enrol under the new pattern at respective semester.
If a student is found using unfair means or assisting in use of unfair means –
a) During the unit test-
The performance in that particular course will be treated null and void. Student will be debarred for that particular course for one year (two semesters). After one year student will be allowed to appear for unit tests and final examination of that particular course. Student will be allowed to appear for unit tests and final examination of other courses.
b) During Final examination–
The case will be forwarded to the Examination and Evaluation Committee of Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science (Empowered Autonomous Status) for further action as per the norms.
Transcript will be issued within 45 days after submission of form/ application letter along with copy of mark sheets of all 6 semesters. Fee charged for the same is Rs. 1000/- for a set of 8 copies.
Verified mark sheets will be issued within 45 days after submission of form/ application letter. Fee charged for the same is Rs. 500/-.
Duplicate mark sheet will be issued only on submitting an affidavit from notary on Rs. 100/- stamp paper and Rs. 150/- will be charged as fees for each semester mark sheet.
All fees applicable will be charged as per SNDT Women’s University Rules.
Sr. No. | Name of The Document | Current Fees |
1 | Degree / Diploma Certificate | 500 |
2 | Passing / Provisional Passing Certificate | 150 |
3 | Duplicate Mark sheet | 150 |
4 | Transcript Fee (8 Copies) | 1000 |
5 | ||
Authentificatin / Verification Authority / Company / Employer Indian Organizations | 500 (for 2 sets) | |
Educational Institutes Indian Organizations | 500 (for 2 sets) | |
Company / Employer Foreign Organizations | 1500 (for 2 sets) | |
Educational Institutes Foreign Organizations | 1500 (for 2 sets) | |
6 | Verification of Marks | 30 |
7 | Photocopy of answer book (per subject) | 150 |
8 | Re-evaluation of answer book (per subject) | 750 |
The students are requested to contact the Examination Department of SNDT Women’s University Juhu Campus, Mumbai for convocation certificate.
Examination rules for M.Sc. Specialized Dietetics and M. Design (Fashion Design) offered by the Postgraduate Programs.
Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science is an Autonomous and constituted / conducted college of SNDT Women’s University. As an Autonomous college, it has the separate Department of Examination with Controller of Examination (COE) and Deputy Controller of Examination (Deputy COE). The department regulates and conducts all the examinations of the Degree and Postgradauate Program of the college and declares result within the stipulated time period as per the University norms.
From the Academic year 2016-2017 Internals and Externals will be separate heads of passing. Students have to secure the minimum passing marks (50%) in internals and externals separately. Those students who fail to secure the minimum passing marks in the internal will not be eligible to appear to the external examinations in that subject. They should clear the internals in the following semester to be eligible to appear for the final examination in that subject. The duration of term end examination for 50 marks will be two hours.
It will be 50% as defined by Masters Examination Norms of S.N.D.T. Women’s University, Mumbai. If practical examination is conducted in more than one parts, it is compulsory for the student to appear for all the parts.
3. For courses with semester pattern-Allowed to Keep Terms: (A.T.K.T.)
Maximum 12 credits will be allowed to carry forward.
*Grace marks: 1% of total theory marks only in the final exam
Repeater students should get in touch with their respective coordinator for course requirement and examination of the concerned subject.
Duplicate mark sheet will be issued only on submitting an affidavit from notary on 100/- Rs. Stamp paper and Rs. 150/- will be charged as fees for each mark sheet.
Transcript will be issued within 45 days after submission of form/ application letter along with copy of mark sheets of all 4 semesters on payment basis. Fee charged for the same is Rs. 1000/- for a set of 8 copies.
Verified mark sheets will be issued within 45 days after submission of form/ application letter. Fee charged for the same is Rs. 500/-.
If a student is caught cheating / using unfair means during Examination the performance in that particular subject will be treated null and void. Student will be debarred for that particular subject for one year. After one year student will be allowed to appear for unit tests and final examination of that particular subject.
Student will be allowed to appear for unit tests and final examination of other subjects.
Internal assessment marks will be carried forward.
During Final examination-
The case will be forwarded to the Examination and Evaluation Committee of Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science (Empowered Autonomous Status) for further action as per the norms.
9. FEES:
All fees applicable will be charged as per SNDT Women’s University Rules.
Sr.No | Name of the Document | Current Fee |
1 | Degree / Diploma Certificate | 500 |
2 | Passing / Provisional Passing Certificate | 150 |
3 | Duplicate Mark sheet | 150 |
4 | Transcript Fee (8 Copies) | 1000 |
5 |
Authentication / Verification Authority / Company / Employer Indian Organizations | 500 (for 2 sets) |
Educational Institutes Indian Organizations | 500 (for 2 sets) | |
Company / Employer Foreign Organizations | 1500 (for 2 sets) | |
Educational Institutes Foreign Organizations | 1500 (for 2 sets) | |
6 | Verification of Marks | 30 |
7 | Photocopy of answer book (per subject) | 150 |
8 | Re-evaluation of answer book (per subject) | 750 |