Certificate Course in Script Writing

Certificate Course in Scriptwriting

Media is a growing, changing landscape and it is hard to keep up with the latest technologies and the content creation challenges they present. The success of a media story depends on the strength of its script. Be it through new media (whatsapp, YouTube, other social networking sites) or traditional media (print, radio, television and cinema).

Everybody needs a set of skills to deal with our society, culture today, to function in the current media environment – with the internet, the mobile. To be able to know how to interact with information. Script writing is taking an idea/information and making it into a story. It will have an audio and corresponding video to it. Writing scripts helps students/individuals to develop creative skills in making their own media messages, and participate as active citizens. Within the ‘new normal’, short form videos have become a significant part of student/individual’s projects/portfolios towards achieving the objectives of course as well as gaining constructive attention in their journey to being a professional .

The ‘certificate scriptwriting course’ of SVT College of Home Science of SNDT Women’s University (SNDTWU), serves as a vital tool to equip students in today’s digital environment to communicate their ideas.

The unique six month course is devised by SNDTWU, Pune, alumni, Anita Sareen Parihar, a media professional, researcher, professor for scriptwriting and video production, of national and international repute; with working experience of  over 35 years. (Including 20 years of teaching association with SNDTWU’s PG and UG Media Departments).

Mode of teaching: Hybrid (blended)

Duration: Four months (4 credit course)

  • Twice a week (3/4 lectures/day), ie.one session in campus, second session in online mode
  • End term assignment(ETA) + ETA submission and final exam


  • Graduate studies student (SY/TY/) , PG student, individual /professional from any stream
  • Minimum percentage required- above 50% from a recognized university or its equivalent (experience in scriptwriting in media industry)

The mode of admission: Entrance Test and Group discussion

Students Activities

Study visit to ZEE 24 TAAS News Channel
Study visit to ZEE 24 TAAS News Channel
Scriptwriting workshop at Premlila Vithaldas Polytechnic College , SNDTWU ,Juhu
Scriptwriting workshop at Premlila Vithaldas Polytechnic
College , SNDTWU , Juhu
  1. Identify a variety of scriptwriting styles appropriate to a range of traditional & new media contexts.
  2. Develop research skills towards developing scripts
  3. Understand that thinking and writing visually is essential writing scripts
  4. Develop, write and workshop a short script
  5. Revise their own work by incorporating peer & instructor feedback.

On completion of the course, the student will be able to

  • Write complete script for programme production, completed script be part of portfolio
  • Apply the skills of scriptwriting for possible publication, independent / client program production.
  • Develop skills as researcher
  • Pitch (presenting ) script to audience
  • Apply knowledge gained of visual compositions (Shot types/terminology ) that form part of script narrative
  1. Independent scriptwriter for educational institutions / organizations
  2. Researcher for TV /web TV /YouTube program
  3. Freelance scriptwriter for TV channels /production houses/web/YouTube
  4. Apply the skills of scriptwriting for possible publication


  • Meet
    Ms. Anita Sareen Parihar
    Researcher, Academician and Scriptwriting
    Ms. Anita Sareen Parihar
    Researcher, Academician and Scriptwriting
    • Media practitioner , senior visiting professor for television , film, new media studies ,video production for undergraduates, post graduates cumulatively since over 35 years 1987-2024
    • British Council Scholar selected twice consecutively in ‘Television Production’ at Coventry Cable Television in the Midlands at United Kingdom(UK); with extension award in ‘Direction for Educational Television’ at the City of Bath College for Higher Education 1988-89 (UK).
    • Study visits to BBC Studios at Elstree, London, Pebble Mill, Birmingham, Central Television at Nottingham, Audio Visual Unit at University of Leeds and Glasgow in UK .
    • Scripted and directed six programs in UK ,one being a live news program for Coventry Cable as well as a distance learning program commercially for civil engineers on Road Technology for the HIGHWAYS OPEN TECH Department of the City of Bath College, UK.
    • Presented 15 papers nationally, internationally for AMIC (Asian Media Information and Communication Centre), ICA (International Communication Association), 2013-2023.
    • Scripted, directed 20 educational television programs at Educational Multimedia Research Center (EMMRC) , Savitribai Phule Pune University,for telecast 1987-89.
    • Editorial co-ordinator for ‘MIRCH MASALA’ bilingual program for Doordarshan,on DD metro telecast on prime time IST 9pm on Saturdays for 50 episodes of I hour each. 1994-95
    • ‘Scriptwriting for short video with New Media skills’,longitudinal study I,II,III,IV,V, published by GLOBAL MEDIA JOURNAL :ISSN:2249-5835,2020.
    • Provided Video Voice for UNESCO ,AMIC’s Youth Voice for the future of Media Information Literacy in Asia Pacific 2020.
    • Research on New Media information Literacy (MIL) documented chapter on ‘Every day digital routines of adolescent girls with update’ for University of Hyderabad’s Department of Communication published by Orient Black Swan 2023.
    • Chairperson for DME (Delhi Metropolitan Education) society’s ICAN (Information Communication and Artificial Networks) International conference’s technical session on ‘Communication through Cinema and social transformation ‘2021
    • Key speaker for Impact and Policy Research Institute (IMPRI),New Delhi on GENDER AND MEDIA,2021
    • Invited to conduct guest lectures on research methodology, Introduction to Gender Studies, Media literacy ,gender sensitization, Job prospects in media nationally and internationally, for  Ruia College Mumbai ,IIMC  New Delhi, Kashi Vidypith Varanasi,Shasun Jain College for Women affiliated to University of Madras, SIWS college Wadala, 2021-22
    • Master’s MA thesis on Grassroot Empowerment through Gender lens at RCWS,SNDTWU 2020
    • Designed a VR app as part of online Coursera course on Virtual reality for Goldsmiths College of University of London 2020 with distinction
    • Devised approved certificate scriptwriting course 4 credit course  for SVT College of Home Science of SNDT Womens’ University 2014
    • Mentored over 500 students in script to screen productions for over 65 short video programmes 2003-2023.
    • Visiting faculty at XIC Xaviers’ , KC, Sophia ,SVT, PVT, SNDTWU, KES Shroff Kandivili Colleges Mumbai and DCJ Mumbai University 2003-2024
  • Meet
    Dr. K.P. Jayasankar
    M.A. Ph.D
    Dr. K.P. Jayasankar
    M.A. Ph.D
  • Meet
    Dr. Anjali Monteiro
    MA, Ph.D
    Dr. Anjali Monteiro
    MA, Ph.D
  • Meet
    Ms. Anjoo Daswani
    Diploma in Visual Arts & Theatre Design, Diploma in Broadcasting
    Ms. Anjoo Daswani
    Diploma in Visual Arts & Theatre Design, Diploma in Broadcasting

    Diploma in Visual Arts & Theatre Design

    Dept of Fine Arts, JJ School of Arts, Mumbai.

    Diploma in Broadcasting

    Xavier Institute of communications, Mumbai.

    Ten-year span with the Xavier Institute of Communications, Mumbai.  She designed, coordinated and lectured in its Film and TV Production Course.

    Six years with Social Communications Media Program at the Sophia Polytechnic, Mumbai, where she taught two courses: Television Studies and Video Production for Documentary Films.

    Guest lecturer at Global Media Focus Program, Arcadia University, USA. Gave an Insightful presentation: From SITE to STAR - a historical perspective and overview of television in India.

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Admission 2025-26