Certificate Course in Scriptwriting
Media is a growing, changing landscape and it is hard to keep up with the latest technologies and the content creation challenges they present. The success of a media story depends on the strength of its script. Be it through new media (whatsapp, YouTube, other social networking sites) or traditional media (print, radio, television and cinema).
Everybody needs a set of skills to deal with our society, culture today, to function in the current media environment – with the internet, the mobile. To be able to know how to interact with information. Script writing is taking an idea/information and making it into a story. It will have an audio and corresponding video to it. Writing scripts helps students/individuals to develop creative skills in making their own media messages, and participate as active citizens. Within the ‘new normal’, short form videos have become a significant part of student/individual’s projects/portfolios towards achieving the objectives of course as well as gaining constructive attention in their journey to being a professional .
The ‘certificate scriptwriting course’ of SVT College of Home Science of SNDT Women’s University (SNDTWU), serves as a vital tool to equip students in today’s digital environment to communicate their ideas.
The unique six month course is devised by SNDTWU, Pune, alumni, Anita Sareen Parihar, a media professional, researcher, professor for scriptwriting and video production, of national and international repute; with working experience of over 35 years. (Including 20 years of teaching association with SNDTWU’s PG and UG Media Departments).
Mode of teaching: Hybrid (blended)
Duration: Four months (4 credit course)
- Twice a week (3/4 lectures/day), ie.one session in campus, second session in online mode
- End term assignment(ETA) + ETA submission and final exam
- Graduate studies student (SY/TY/) , PG student, individual /professional from any stream
- Minimum percentage required- above 50% from a recognized university or its equivalent (experience in scriptwriting in media industry)
The mode of admission: Entrance Test and Group discussion
Students Activities

College , SNDTWU , Juhu

- Identify a variety of scriptwriting styles appropriate to a range of traditional & new media contexts.
- Develop research skills towards developing scripts
- Understand that thinking and writing visually is essential writing scripts
- Develop, write and workshop a short script
- Revise their own work by incorporating peer & instructor feedback.
On completion of the course, the student will be able to
- Write complete script for programme production, completed script be part of portfolio
- Apply the skills of scriptwriting for possible publication, independent / client program production.
- Develop skills as researcher
- Pitch (presenting ) script to audience
- Apply knowledge gained of visual compositions (Shot types/terminology ) that form part of script narrative
- Independent scriptwriter for educational institutions / organizations
- Researcher for TV /web TV /YouTube program
- Freelance scriptwriter for TV channels /production houses/web/YouTube
- Apply the skills of scriptwriting for possible publication