Admissions 2023-2024

Graduation Programs (Aided)

Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science (Empowered Autonomous Status), SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai offers graduate and post graduate programs in Home Science.
New Education Policy was implemented by the College in June 2022.

Specializations in BSc program:
* Developmental Counselling
* Early Childhood Care and Education
* Food, Nutrition and Dietetics
* Hospitality and Tourism Management
* Interior Design and Resource Management
* Media, Communication and Development
* Textiles and Fashion Designing

To know more, visit the college.
If you have any query, any issue in the online application process, please contact us.

  • Helpdesk in the College: 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. on all working days
  • Landline: 022 2660 8179 022 2660 3277 022 2660 6427 022 26602504
  • Mobile number: 84509 02174 (Calls – During Office timings only, Text / WhatsApp message – anytime)
  • Email:

URGENT Attention – Second Merit List for students eligible for First Year graduation program admissions for 2023-24”
Schedule of FY BSc Admission (2023-24) [Revised]
Notice – Refund of FY BSc fees [New]
FYBSc – Eligibility Criteria [New]
Documents required-FYBSc Admission (2023-24) [New]
Admission Procedure- FYBSc Admission (2023-24) [New]
FY BSc Fee structure [New]

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